2004 Annual Report
Starting in May, MCC staff visited all sixteen 2004 eligible countries to explain our mission and our expectations. As many aspects of the MCA are radically different from traditional assistance programs, our message was met with enthusiasm and uncertainty.
2005 Annual Report
At the beginning of Fiscal Year 2005, MCC had been in existence for less than one year, had 49 permanent employees doing multiple jobs and had not yet entered into any Compacts or Threshold Programs. MCC was a "start-up” in every sense of the word.
2006 Annual Report
While elements of MCC’s approach have been used before, the organization incorporates the best lessons learned during the last half-century of work in the development field into an integrated package.
Compact between MCC and Ghana
The official compact between MCC and Ghana.
2007 Annual Report
The 2007 Annual Report is structured around three main themes—who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do—to guide you in fully understanding how we go about our work to reduce poverty through economic growth.
Aid Effectiveness: Putting Results at the Forefront
MCC’s analytical framework keeps the focus on results throughout the process of compact development and implementation.
2008 Annual Report
The 2008 Annual Report—covering the period from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008—explains what makes MCC’s partnerships so different and outlines our early successes.
2009 Annual Report
MCC makes prudent choices about where to deliver development assistance by partnering with poor countries already committed to good governance, economic freedom, and the empowerment of their citizens.
Environmental Guidelines
The MCC Environmental Guidelines were formally established in January 2006 and updated in 2012 to formally adopt the IFC Performance Standards.
Compact between MCC and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The official compact between MCC and Jordan.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2011
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs.
Niger Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Niger.</p>
Amendment 1: Georgia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Georgia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Madagascar Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Madagascar Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Mali Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Mali Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Mongolia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Mongolia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Namibia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Namibia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Ukraine Threshold Program Agreement
<p>An amendment to the Threshold Program Agreement with Ukraine.</p>
Compact between MCC and Armenia
The official compact between MCC and Armenia.
Compact between MCC and Benin
The official compact between MCC and Benin.
Compact between MCC and Burkina Faso
The official compact between MCC and Burkina Faso.
Compact between MCC and Cape Verde
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Cabo Verde.
Compact between MCC and El Salvador
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
Compact between MCC and Georgia
The official compact between MCC and Georgia.
Compact between MCC and Honduras
The official compact between MCC and Honduras.
Compact between MCC and Lesotho
The official compact between MCC and Lesotho.
Compact between MCC and Madagascar
The official compact between MCC and the Madagascar.
Compact between MCC and Mali
The official compact between MCC and Mali.
Compact between MCC and Moldova
The official compact between MCC and Moldova.
Compact between MCC and Mongolia
The official compact between MCC and Mongolia.
Compact between MCC and Morocco
The official compact between MCC and Morocco.
Compact between MCC and Mozambique
The official compact between MCC and Mozambique.
Compact between MCC and Namibia
The official compact between MCC and Namibia.
Compact between MCC and Nicaragua
The official compact between MCC and Nicaragua.
Compact between MCC and Philippines
The official compact between MCC and Philippines.
Compact between MCC and Senegal
The official compact between MCC and Senegal.
Compact between MCC and Tanzania
The official compact between MCC and Tanzania.
Compact between MCC and Vanuatu
The official compact between MCC and Vanuatu.
Guyana Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Guyana.</p>
Kenya Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Kenya.</p>
Uganda Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Uganda.</p>
Albania Threshold Program Agreement, Stage II
<p>The official Stage II Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Albania.</p>
Albania Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Albania.</p>
Burkina Faso Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Burkina Faso.</p>
Indonesia Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Indonesia.</p>
Jordan Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Jordan.</p>
Malawi Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Malawi.</p>
Moldova Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Moldova.</p>
Paraguay Threshold Program Agreement, Stage II
<p>The official Stage II Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Paraguay.</p>
Paraguay Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Paraguay.</p>
Peru Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Peru.</p>
Philippines Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Philippines.
Rwanda Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Rwanda.
Tanzania Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Tanzania.
Ukraine Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Ukraine.
Zambia Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Zambia.
Kyrgyz Republic Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Liberia Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Liberia.
Timor-Leste Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
Principles into Practice: Focus on Results
MCC has set a high standard among the development community for its approach to results. MCC’s results framework reflects a commitment to technically rigorous, systematic and transparent methods of projecting, tracking & evaluating the impacts of its programs.
Gender Integration Guidelines
MCC’s partner countries rely on this operational guidance to integrate gender in all stages of compact development and implementation in accordance with MCC’s Gender Policy.
Strengthening MCC’s Gender Policy
Learn more about how our operational procedures and milestones to strengthen MCC’s Gender Policy lead to better gender integration in the projects we fund.
2010 Annual Report
In these fiscally austere times, we are challenging ourselves at MCC to do more with less and to deliver sustainable results that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of the world’s poor.
Compact between MCC and Malawi
The official compact between MCC and Malawi.
MCC Climate Change Adaptation Policy Statement
MCC issues its policy statement committing to support the goals outlined in Executive Order 13514 regarding the U.S. government's role in environmental stewardship.
Principles into Practice: Country Ownership
Country ownership embodies partnership, where countries consult with their citizens and civil society to design and implement programs within an MCC framework built on a focused mandate, accountability, transparency, and impact.
Issue Brief: Principles into Practice: Country Ownership
Download and read this PDF to briefly discover six lessons learned by MCC in its approach to country ownership—both in principle and in practice.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2011
MCC is committed to prudent financial management, accountability, and transparency. The purpose of this report is to communicate comprehensively and reliably our financial and related activities.
Scorebook for FY 2012
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2012 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Compact between MCC and Indonesia
The official compact between MCC and Indonesia.
Summary of the December 15, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting
Read a summary of the December 15, 2011, meeting of the Board of Directors of MCC, which was held in closed session at 3:00 p.m. at the U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2012
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs.
Writing Guide for Public Documents
This guide provides general guidance for drafting MCC public documents, writing in plain language, an initiative embraced throughout the U.S. Government, and writing effectively for MCC's public website.
2011 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
This report describes in XML format the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2011 and outlines how MCC processed them.
2011 FOIA Annual Report
This report describes the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2011 and outlines how MCC processed them.
Investing in small-scale farmer productivity in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Ghana Compact that was designed to increase farm income by providing startup capital and training to farmer organizations.
Compact II between MCC and Cape Verde
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Cape Verde.
Congressional Budget Justification for FY 2013
The Congressional Budget Justification lays out the President’s request of $898,200,000 to fund MCC in FY 2013. MCC anticipates using these appropriations to fund compacts in Ghana, Benin and El Salvador, and threshold programs in Honduras and Nepal.
Guidelines Regarding Collaboration Between the Peace Corps and MCA Accountable EntitiesUnder MCC-Financed Compacts
On September 9, 2010, the Peace Corps and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) signed a memorandum of agreement setting forth a framework for collaboration on complementary program areas.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Chief FOIA Officer Report, 2012
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Armenia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Armenia Compact
Burkina Faso Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Burkina Faso Compact
El Salvador Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the El Salvador Compact
Moldova Compact Post-Compact Monitoring & Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Moldova Compact
Mongolia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Mongolia Compact
Morocco Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Morocco Compact
Namibia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Namibia Compact
Philippines Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Philippines Compact
Tanzania Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Tanzania Compact
Vanuatu Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact.
2011 Annual Report
By taking a results-driven, reform-centered approach to foreign assistance, MCC is a gateway to opportunity for both the world’s poor and the American people.
Candidate Country Report, FY 2012
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY12 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Irrigated Agriculture
Learn how MCC investments seek to increase rural incomes by improving agricultural productivity and access to markets, and to enhance food security by expanding local food supplies and creating new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Property Rights and Land Policy
Because of the central role that land, natural resources and other real property assets can play in economic development, discover how these projects can create new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice: Irrigated Agriculture
Many MCC partner countries have prioritized irrigated agriculture projects to increase rural incomes by improving agricultural productivity and access to markets, and enhance food security by expanding local food supplies and creating new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice: Property Rights and Land Policy
Many MCC partner countries have sought MCC investments in property rights and land policy because of the central role that land, natural resources and other real property assets can play in economic development.
Compact between MCC and Zambia
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Zambia.
Report to Congress: MCC’s Approach to Confronting Corruption
Corruption fundamentally undermines economic growth, which is why the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) directly addresses corruption when choosing partner countries and when developing and implementing programs.
Politique relative au genre
Through MCC’s Gender Policy, partner countries analyze gender differences and inequalities to inform the development, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs.
Política de género
Through MCC’s Gender Policy, partner countries analyze gender differences and inequalities to inform the development, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs.
Summary of the June 21, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the June 21, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Summary of the March 22, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
Summary of the March 22, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
Candidate Country Report, FY 2013
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY13 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Health and Safety Policy
MCC is committed to promoting the continuous improvement in the health and safety performance of MCC and MCA staff, contractors and consultants.
Summary of the September 13, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the September 13, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Selection Criteria and Methodology Report, FY 2013
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY13.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan for the rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant in Liberia.
Principles into Practice: Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction through Growth
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are widely recognized as key dimensions of human progress. Most development institutions and partner governments acknowledge this in laws, policies, institutional structures, and programming.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction through Growth
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are widely recognized as key dimensions of human progress. Most development institutions and partner governments acknowledge this in laws, policies, institutional structures, and programming.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2013
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Principles into Practice: Impact Evaluations of Agriculture Projects
This MCC-USAID collaboration looks at the value, challenges and lessons of doing impact evaluation in the agriculture sector.
Amended and Restated Schedules 1-3 to Annex 1 of MCC Compact with Ghana
Amended and Restated Schedules 1-3 to Annex 1 of MCC Compact with Ghana
Scorebook for FY 2013
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2013 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2012
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2012.
Guide to the Compact Survey Summary, FY13
This document provides a sense of the topics and questions addressed through the process of surveying MCC implementation staff when considering countries for supplemental compacts.
Guide to the Supplemental Information Sheet
This guide illustrates the types of supplemental information MCC and its Board take into consideration when selecting countries for threshold programs or compacts.
2012 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2012 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of May 2012.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Impact Evaluations of Agriculture Projects
The U.S. Government is committed to learning what works to reduce poverty and increase food security through agriculture investments. There are many tools for learning from program experience. However, impact evaluations are central to a learning agenda...
Summary of the December 19, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the December 19, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2013
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs in FY2013.
Rehabilitating the Samtskhe-Javakheti Road in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia Samtskhe-Javakheti Road Rehabilitation Activity that aimed to address the economic isolation of the Samtskhe-Javakheti region.
FY13 Quarter 1 FOIA Report
FY13 Quarter 1 FOIA Report
Executive Summary of FY 2012 MCC Sustainability Plan
This executive summary outlines MCC's fiscal year 2012 Sustainability Report.
2012 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
2012 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
2012 FOIA Annual Report
This report describes the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2012 and outlines how MCC processed them.
Policy on Suspension and Termination
This policy describes the process and procedures MCC will follow regarding suspension and termination.
Summary of the March 14, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the March 14, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
2012 Annual Report
MCC’s results-driven, country-led partnerships worldwide deliver impactful, cost-effective assistance. Learn how MCC’s model is advancing learning and best practices for effective development, while promoting U.S. economic interests in the global marketplace.
Achieving Fair and Transparent Land Allocation of High-Value Agricultural Lands in the Senegal River
The paper explores the question of how the beneficiaries of increased land values are determined. Our case study is MCC's Integrated Water Resources Management Project being implemented in the Senegal River Valley (SRV) by MCA-Senegal.
Protecting the Rights of Urban and Peripheral Urban Landholders under the New Code of Land Tenure and the Domain of Benin of 2013
This paper explains the content of Benin's Code of Land Tenure and the Domain and the main innovations, which are intended to address the problems of urban and peripheral urban development.
Providing Farmland Ownership Rights to Women In Rural Mali: The MCC Experience
This paper is a short history of project design and implementation, and how the Alatona Irrigation Project developed and executed an approach for allocating land rights to women, the results achieved and the lessons learned.
Congressional Budget Justification for FY 2014
The Congressional Budget Justification lays out the President’s request to fund MCC in FY 2014.
Transitioning Producers to Higher-Profit Activities in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to help farmers and small-scale producers transition to higher-profit activities.
Improving the Agricultural Sector’s Performance in Armenia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Armenia Compact designed to increase the productivity of the agricultural sector by improving irrigation and preparing farmers to shift production to higher-value crop production.
Second Compact between MCC and Georgia
The official second compact between MCC and the Georgia.
Candidate Country Report, FY 2014
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY14 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Malawi Compact - First Amendment
Malawi Compact - First Amendment
Agenda for the September 2013 MCC Board of Director’s Meeting
Agenda for the September 2013 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Honduras Threshold Program Grant Agreement
Honduras Threshold Program Grant Agreement
Summary of the June 19, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the June 19, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2014
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Scorebook for FY 2014
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2014 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Summary of the September 12, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the September 12, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2013
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2013.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2014
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs in FY2014.
Accelerating the Shift to Commercial Agriculture in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Georgia Compact that aimed to increase the production and efficiency of agribusinesses by awarding resources to groups of farmers and enterprises.
2013 Annual Report
American values and interests meet in MCC’s work to shape global economic opportunity. By focusing on results, accountability and transparency, MCC leads with its values to pursue interests of mutual benefit. Read how in Shared Values, Shared Prosperity.
Principles into Practice: Country Selectivity
MCC works with a limited number of well-governed poor countries and is the only donor agency in the world to base country selection so heavily—and so transparently—on public, third-party policy performance data.
Upgrading transport networks across Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Honduras Compact that aimed to reduce transport costs to improve farmers’ access to markets.
Improving Farmers’ Skills and Productivity in Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Honduras Compact that aimed to improve the skills, productivity, and risk management practices of farmers through training and technical assistance on horticultural crops.
Agenda for the June 2014 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Agenda for the June 2014 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Supporting Handicraft Producers in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to help handicraft producers transition to higher-profit activities.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Targeting non-communicable diseases and injuries in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to reduce premature deaths and disabilities and improve productivity by reducing non-communicable diseases and injuries through health system improvements.
Better air quality with energy efficiency in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to improve health through reduced air pollution and increase income through lower expenditures by subsidizing households to switch to energy efficient stoves.
Increasing access to safer water in rural Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to improve the health and productivity of community members in intervention areas by providing access to safer water and hygiene and sanitation training.
Second Compact between MCC and Ghana
The official second compact between MCC and Ghana.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2015 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY15 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Improving roads in Nicaragua
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of a road rehabilitation project from MCC’s Nicaragua Compact designed to decrease transportation costs and lower the price and increase the availability of consumer goods.
Reducing Transport Costs with Road Upgrades in Vanuatu
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Vanuatu Compact that aimed to increase incomes by reducing transportation travel time and vehicle operating costs, originally targeting the tourism and agriculture sectors.
Second Compact between MCC and El Salvador
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2015
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Scorebook for FY 2015
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2015 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2014
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2014.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2015
The Board met on December 10, 2014, to select countries that will be eligible for MCA compact assistance under section 607 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 7706) for FY 2015.
Second Compact between MCC and El Salvador (Spanish)
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
2014 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2014 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of May 2014.
Principles into Practice: Transparency
Through its latest Principles into Practice paper, MCC discusses how it has put the principle of transparency into practice and what it has learned about implementing this fundamental tenet of aid effectiveness during its first 10 years of experience.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Closed Compact Report: Mozambique Compact
Read MCC’s Mozambique Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $506.9 million investment in water and sanitation, roads, land tenure, and agriculture 2008-2013.
2014 Annual Report
Explore how MCC’s results, partnerships and contributions to sustainable economic growth have made it an effective and emulated development leader in its 2014 Annual Report.
Enhancing agricultural productivity in Mali
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Mali Alatona Irrigation Project that aimed to increase production and productivity, improve land tenure security, and modernize irrigated production systems.
Guatemala Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Guatemala.
Improving Rural Roads in Armenia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Armenia Compact designed to improve rural roads to expand access to agricultural markets, employment opportunities, and social infrastructure.
Supporting Rural Businesses in Nicaragua
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of an agriculture project from MCC’s Nicaragua Compact designed to increase the value-added and productivity of farms and rural businesses by providing technical and financial assistance.
Transforming the Microcredit Sector in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes through transformation of microcredit associations into financial institutions, loan support, training, and access to mobile banking.
Increasing the reliability of electricity in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Tanzania Energy Sector Project Zanzibar Interconnector Activity that replaced the undersea power cable between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Strengthening Small Business Activities in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to reduce unemployment and improve entrepreneurship for vulnerable populations and youth through training and mentorship for small businesses.
Modernizing the Artisan and Tourism Sectors in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes by modernizing the artisan and tourism sectors through training, marketing, and upgrades to equipment, work, and historic sites.
Extending Power Lines in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to produce long-term savings and growth for grid-connected customers in 178 communities across seven regions of Tanzania.
Public Website Visual Style Guide
MCC.gov was designed to deliver a visually cohesive experience using defined elements, graphics, dimensions, typography and colors that align with MCC's brand. Web designers and developers should use this style guide to ensure a consistent user experience.
Second Compact between MCC and Benin
The official compact between MCC and Benin.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2016 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY16 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Morocco Employability and Land Compact Intent to Sign CN
The Government of Morocco, in partnership with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, is developing a second compact in Morocco toward the shared objective of poverty reduction through economic growth.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in Fiscal Year 2016
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY16.
Compact between MCC and Liberia
The official compact between MCC and Liberia.
Enhancing farmers’ access to rural finance in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Agriculture Development Project in Burkina Faso that aimed to increase access to credit for farmers, farmers groups, and agro-businesses working in agriculture value chains.
Closed Compact Report: Burkina Faso Compact
Read MCC’s Burkina Faso Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $480 million investment in agriculture, land tenure, roads and girls’ education from 2009-2014.
Closed Compact Report: Lesotho Compact
Read MCC’s Lesotho Closed Compact Report to learn about our investment from 2008 – 2013 to improve the water and health sectors and encourage private sector development.
Closed Compact Report: Mongolia Compact
Read MCC’s Mongolia Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $284.9 million investment in property rights, transportation, energy, education and health from 2008-2013.
Closed Compact Report: Morocco Compact
Read MCC’s Morocco Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $697.5 million investment in textiles, agribusiness, fishing and handicrafts from 2008-2013.
Scorebook for FY 2016
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2016 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal 2015
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2015.
Closed Compact Report: Tanzania Compact
Read MCC’s Tanzania Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $698.1 million investment in transportation, energy and water projects 2008-2013.
Sierra Leone Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Sierra Leone.
Guide to the Indicators, FY 2016
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Strengthening the Olive Value Chain in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase olive production, quality and quantity of olives and olive oil sold, and income through training and support across the value chain.
Second Compact between MCC and Morocco
The official compact between MCC and Morocco.
Transforming the Small-Scale Fishing Sector in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes by modernizing the small-scale fishing sector through training, marketing, and upgrades for catching, storing, transporting fish.
Providing Financial Services for Producers in El Salvador
Learn about the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Productive Development Project’s Investment Support and Financial Services Activities that provided access to loans and financial services for small producers in the Northern Zone.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2016
The Board met on December 16, 2015, to select countries that will be eligible for assistance under section 607 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 7706) for FY 2016
Policy Statement on the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan
MCC is committed to create a sustainability-conscious operating environment for all of its employees and continuously improve policies and practices to enhance its environmental performance.
MCC is sharpening its approach and bolstering its ability to transform lives and reduce poverty around the globe through economic growth.
2014 Report on Closeout ERRs
The main purpose of this report is to concisely document facts on Economic Rates of Return (ERRs) that have been updated upon compact closeouts as of end-2014.
2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of June 2015.
2015 Annual Report
MCC catalyzes private investment and serves as a gateway to opportunity by taking a data-driven, policy reform-centered approach to foreign assistance. MCC’s investments and partnerships are changing the lives of people living in poverty around the world.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Progress made to Strengthen the Application of the Control of Corruption Indicator
This report to congress explores the Control of Corruption indicator MCC uses, and describes our efforts to strengthen the indicator by consulting the best data available today and working with other stakeholders to improve the quality of data available.
Building Libraries in Three Regional Hubs in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to expand community access to information, training resources, and study facilities to improve educational and professional outcomes.
Fighting Coconut Crop Disease in Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to support smallholders control the spread of crop disease, improve productivity and increase value-added of coconut products.
Improving Non-Formal Skills in Northern El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to improve formal technical education by providing scholarships and strengthening schools.
Improving Technical Education in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to improve formal technical education by providing scholarships and strengthening schools.
Improving education through school construction in Niger
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Threshold Program in Niger that aimed to improve education outcomes of girls through the construction of primary schools and other complementary education interventions.
Supporting government revenue reform in the Philippines
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of an institutional reform project from MCC’s Philippines Compact designed to raise tax revenues and reduce tax evasion and revenue agent-related corruption.
Connecting northern El Salvador through road improvements
Learn the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to connect El Salvador’s northern zone with the rest of the country by improving roads, lowering transportation costs, and decreasing travel times..
2015 Report on Closeout ERRs
The main purpose of this report is to concisely document facts on ERRs that have been updated upon compact closeouts as of end-2015.
Compact between MCC and Niger
The official compact between MCC and Niger.
Improving Girls’ Education in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Burkina Faso BRIGHT II program, based on the theory that improving education infrastructure would improve access to education, particularly for girls.
2016 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2016 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of August 2016.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2017 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY17 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Creating a public fund for vocational training in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to address the skills gap in Namibia’s labor force.
Improving Community Vocational Centers in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-aactivity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that was designed to provide infrastructure support to vocational institutions and technical support for training staff and administrators.
Funding High Priority Vocational Training in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to address the skills gap in Namibia’s labor force by providing grants to expand domestic training capacity and fund scholarships in high-priority skill areas.
Guide to Supplemental Information, FY17
The following guide illustrates the types of supplemental information taken into consideration by MCC and its Board when selecting countries for threshold programs, initial compacts, or subsequent compacts.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in Fiscal Year 2017
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY17.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2017
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Guidance Note to MCAs on Sexual Harassment
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide the Millennium Challenge Accounts (“MCAs”) in MCC partner countries with initial guidance on addressing sexual harassment.
Expanding rural electrification in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s El Salvador Rural Electrification Sub-Activity that aimed to improve access to the electricity network and shift to energy alternatives to decrease indoor air pollution and improve health outcomes.
Scorebook for FY 2017
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2017 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2016
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2016.
Improving the Agricultural Sector in Armenia Through Irrigation
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Armenia Compact designed to increase the productivity of the agricultural sector by improving irrigation and preparing farmers to shift production to higher-value crop production.
Official Minutes from the October 13, 2016 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the inaugural meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2017
The Board met on December 13, 2016 to select those eligible countries with which the United States, through MCC, will seek to enter into a Millennium Challenge Compact pursuant to section 607 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 7706) for FY 2017.
Improving Financial Services for Small Firms in Benin
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Benin Compact that aimed to improve financial services for smaller firms and increase micro-finance-institutions’ self-sufficiency while decreasing their risk.
MCC Evaluation Microdata Documentation and De-Identification Guidelines
These Evaluation Microdata Guidelines provide guidance to MCC staff and contractors, and the staff and contractors of partner countries on how to store, manage, and disseminate evaluation microdata collected as part of an MCC-funded program.
Improving Access to Rural Water in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Ghana Compact that aimed to decease waterborne illnesses and reduce the time spent fetching water and caring for the sick so that Ghanians would have more time for economic activities.
Armenia Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Armenia Compact
Burkina Faso Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Burkina Faso Compact
Improving Off-Grid Energy Access in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Kigoma Solar Activity in Tanzania that intended to extend access to solar energy.
Morocco Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Morocco Compact
Moldova Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Moldova Compact
Mongolia Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Mongolia Compact
Namibia Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Namibia Compact
Philippines Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Philippines Compact
Senegal Compact Post-Compact Monitoring Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Senegal Compact
Tanzania Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Tanzania Compact
Lesotho Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Lesotho Compact
Expanding Electricity Distribution in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to produce long-term savings and growth for grid-connected customers in 178 communities across seven regions of Tanzania.
Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan, FY 2017 (PDF)
MCC’s Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan reflects its strong commitment to meet all applicable environmental and energy statues, regulations, and, specifically, Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.
Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan Executive Summary
MCC’s Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan reflects its strong commitment to meet all applicable environmental and energy statues, regulations, and, specifically, Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.
2016 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with more opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Improving Port Performance and Efficiency in Benin
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Benin Compact that aimed to enhance port efficiency, reduce shipping costs, and increase volumes of goods flow, thereby stimulating the country’s economic growth.
Improving port efficiency and capacity in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Cabo Verde Compact that aimed to increase internal market integration and reduce transaction costs at the Port of Praia by improving operational efficiency, and space and berth capacity.
Improving Education and Infrastructure in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to find out the results of an MCC Ghana Compact project that aimed to improve school access, enrollment and attendance by investing in education infrastructure.
Jordan Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Jordan Compact
Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to increase the human and physical capital of residents of the Northern Zone to take advantage of employment and businesses opportunities.
Honduras Threshold Program Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Honduras Threshold Program
Catalyzing Enterprise Development in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia Compact that aimed to catalyze small- and medium-enterprise development in the regions outside of the capital, Tbilisi.
Expanding Commercial Agriculture in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results from MCC’s Ghana Compact’s Agriculture Project that aimed to increase the production of high-value crops for both domestic and international markets.
Closed Compact Report: Moldova Compact
Read MCC’s Moldova Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $259 million investment in agriculture, land tenure, roads and girls’ education from 2010-2015.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2018
MCC’s FY2018 budget proposal to Congress includes $800 million for the agency to continue its mission of fighting global poverty through economic growth. View MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
Improving Native Plant Harvesting and Sales in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to improve quality and increase quantity and sales of native plants by improving competitiveness, operational capacity, and harvesting.
Boosting Conservancies and Investment in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to build the capacity of conservancies to protect natural resources and increase investment, employment, revenue distribution, and incomes.
Improving Livestock Management and Market Access in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to increase livestock productivity and profitability by improving livestock management, health, and market access.
MCC Disclosure Review Board Data Package Worksheet
This document is a data documentation worksheet for evaluators to explain their de-identification approach for their microdata submission to the MCC Disclosure Review Board.
MCC Standard Template for Informed Consent
This document includes two informed consent templates reviewed by the MCC Disclosure Review Board for evaluation firms and survey firms to reference as they develop their informed consents as part of an MCC-funded program.
2016 Report on Closeout ERRs
The main purpose of this report is to concisely document facts on ERRs that have been updated upon compact closeouts as of end-2016.
Closed Compact Report: Ghana Compact
Read MCC’s Ghana Closed Compact Report to learn about our investment to raise farmers’ incomes through private sector-led agribusiness development and major public works projects from 2007 – 2012.
Improving Land Use Planning in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Indonesia Compact designed that aimed to strengthen the capacity of local communities and district level institutions to manage their own land resources.
Closed Compact Report: Cabo Verde Compact
Read MCC’s Cabo Verde Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $110 million investment in infrastructure, watershed management and agricultural support, and private sector development from 2005 – 2010.
Improving Learning Outcomes in Niger
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Niger Threshold Program that aimed to increase access and reading outcomes, with an emphasis on girls, through school construction and other complementary education interventions.
Zambia Monitoring and Evaluation
M&E Plan for the Zambia Compact
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2018 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY18 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Indonesia Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Indonesia Compact
Improving rural access to water sources in Lesotho
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Lesotho Rural Water Activity that aimed to improved access to water sources and sanitation to save time on water collection, decreases water-related illness, and reduces medical expenditures.
Official Minutes from the April 20, 2017 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2017 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Kosovo Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Kosovo.
Nepal Compact
The official compact between MCC and Nepal.
Compact Survey Summary, FY18
MCC implementation staff is surveyed on a number of topics in preparation for the annual decision to select compact partners. The following report is intended to provide a sense of the topics and questions addressed through this process.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2018
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY18.
Guide to Supplemental Information, FY18
The following guide illustrates the types of supplemental information taken into consideration by MCC and its Board when selecting countries for threshold programs, initial compacts, or subsequent compacts.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2018
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Providing Off-Grid Electricity in Rural El Salvador
Learn the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that provided solar electricity in remote communities, thereby reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.
Scorebook for FY 2018
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2018 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Philippines Secondary National Roads Development Project
ERR for the Philippines Secondary National Roads Development Project (SNRDP)
Côte d'Ivoire Compact
The official compact between MCC and Côte d'Ivoire
Principles into Practice: Lessons from MCC’s Investments in Roads
This paper explores MCC's experience to-date in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating roads investments around the world.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2017
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2017.
Official Minutes from the October 17, 2017 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the October 2017 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2018
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be “eligible” for FY 2018 – with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Improving Community Vocational Centers in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to improve Namibia’s workforce by rehabilitating and constructing community-based centers that provide vocational training.
Sustainably Funding Vocational Training in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub- activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to improve Namibia’s workforce by establishing a sustainable source of funding for vocational and skills training.
Improving Vocational Training Capacity in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to improve Namibia’s workforce by increasing the quality of vocational and skills training through competitive grants and scholarships.
Politique de prévention, de détection et de correction de la fraude et de la corruption dans les opérations de la MCC
La présente politique énonce les règles et décrit les rôles, responsabilités et principes qui régissent la MCC et les entités financées par elle en ce qui concerne la prévention, la détection et la correction des risques de fraude et de corruption.
Política sobre la prevención, detección y corrección del fraude y la corrupción en las operaciones de MCC
En esta política se establecen las reglas y se describen las funciones, las responsabilidades y los principios que rigen MCC y las entidades financiadas por esta en materia de prevención, detección y corrección del riesgo de fraude y corrupción.
Policy on Preventing, Detecting and Remediating Fraud and Corruption in MCC Operations
This policy outlines principles to which MCC will adhere with respect to preventing, detecting and remediating the risk of fraud and corruption in the threshold program, in compact development and in compact implementation.
Improving Water Supply in Morogoro, Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to increase production and quality of water in Morogoro by rehabilitating the Mafiga Treatment Plant and building a new treatment plant in Mambogo.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2019
MCC’s FY 2019 budget proposal to Congress includes $800 million for the agency to continue its core mission of fighting global poverty through economic growth. View MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
'Principles into Practice' Issue Brief: Lessons from MCC’s Investments in Roads
This brief explores MCC's experience to-date in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating country program road investments, offering critical lessons that are being applied in projects under development and new evaluations of road activities.
2017 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with more opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Closed Compact Report: Philippines Compact
Read MCC’s Philippines Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $434 million investment in modernizing business processes, road rehabilitation and community-driven development projects 2011-2016.
Closed Compact Report: El Salvador Compact
Read MCC’s El Salvador Closed Compact Report to learn about our investments in clean water, electricity, sanitation, teacher training and student scholarships from 2007 – 2012.
Official Minutes from the April 17, 2018 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2018 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Improving Rural Banks through Computerization in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s first Ghana Compact that aimed to increase connectivity among rural banks.
2017 Equal Employment Opportunity Data
MCC's equal employment opportunity data posted pursuant to Title III of the "Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174."
Malawi Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Malawi Compact
Guidance on Accommodation and Welfare for Staff and Labor
When accommodation or welfare facilities are provided to Contractor’s Personnel or Employer’s Personnel, the Contractor shall put in place and implement policies on the quality and management of such accommodation and the provision of such welfare facilities.
Upgrading Vocational Education Equipment in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to increase employment and income among unemployed and marginally employed Mongolians.
Mongolia Water Compact
The official compact between MCC and Mongolia.
Closed Compact Report: Jordan Compact
Read MCC’s Jordan Closed Compact Report to learn about our investment from 2011 – 2016 to help improve water delivery to the Zarqa Governorate region of over 1 million people east of the capital city of Amman.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2019 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY19 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Indonesia Post Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Indonesia Compact
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2019
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY19.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2019
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Guide to Supplemental Information, FY19
The following guide illustrates the types of supplemental information taken into consideration by MCC and its Board when selecting countries for threshold programs, initial compacts, or subsequent compacts.
Compact Survey Summary, FY19
MCC implementation staff is surveyed on a number of topics in preparation for the annual decision to select compact partners. The following report is intended to provide a sense of the topics and questions addressed through this process.
Scorebook for FY 2019
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2019 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2018
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2018.
Annexe aux Stipulations Générales
The following document is a French translation of the Annex of General Provisions – utilized to put parties on notice and to extend certain compact terms and requirements to all compact-related agreements to which the compact may not legally apply.
Improving Confidence in the Justice System in Benin
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Benin Compact that aimed to increase capacity to enforce contracts and improve the investment climate, thereby stimulating the country’s economic growth.
Réalisation des Études d’Avant-projet détaillé (APD), d’impact environnemental et social (EIES), pour les travaux de réhabilitation du périmètre irrigué de Konni
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the rehabilitation of the Konni irrigation perimeter in Niger.
Promoting Green Growth with Grants in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an MCC Indonesia Compact project that intended to increase productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and improving land use practices and Natural Resource Management.
Targeting Stunting in Indonesia via Nutrition & Hygiene
Read this Evaluation Brief to find out the results of an MCC Indonesia Compact project that aimed to prevent child stunting and malnutrition by training community health staff.
Senegal Power Compact
The official compact between MCC and Senegal.
MCC Advisory Council Bylaws
The MCC Advisory Council adopted the following bylaws on November 5, 2018.
Official Minutes from the November 5, 2018 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the November 2018 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Program Implementation Agreement Between MCC and Senegal
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Senegal
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2019
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be “eligible” for FY 2019 – with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Willingness to Pay for Improved Electricity Services in Senegal: Households and Businesses Estimates Using Contingent Valuation Surveys with Multiple Bids
A paper on the willingness to pay for improved electricity services in Senegal as prepared for the Millennium Challenge Corporation by the International Food Policy Research Institute.
Togo Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Togolese Republic.
Etude D'Impact Environnementale Et Sociale Programmatique (EIESP) De La Zone Industrielle De Had Soualem De Son Extension Et De la Nouvelle Zone Industrielle De Sahel Lakhyayata
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the programmatic evaluation of revitalization, extension and new industrial zone in Morocco.
Program Implementation Agreement Between MCC and Mongolia
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Mongolia
MCC Procurement Guidance Note: Preparing the Procurement Plan (PP) and the Procurement Performance Report (PPR)
This paper provides guidance to the MCA Entity on preparing the Procurement Plan and the Procurement Performance Report in accordance with the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines, including the effective use of the MCC Management Information System.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2020
MCC’s FY 2020 budget proposal to Congress includes $800 million for the agency to continue its core mission of fighting global poverty through economic growth. View MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
2018 Equal Employment Opportunity Data
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Promoting Sustainable Cocoa Production in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Indonesia Compact that aimed to offer farmers inputs and training to increase yields, quality, and income; to improve natural resource use; and to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Fostering sustainability in Malawi’s electricity sector
Read this Evaluation Brief to find out the results of an MCC Malawi Compact designed to address financial, operational, and governance challenges among power sector institutions.
Issue Brief: Catalyzing Reform through the Gender in the Economy Indicator
This Issue Brief explores how the MCC Effect, through the MCC Scorecard and the Gender in the Economy indicator in particular, can incentivize countries to prioritize women’s economic empowerment as an important part of reducing poverty through economic growth.
Renforcement et réhabilitation du réseau de distribution d'électricité régional et à Cotonou : Conception, supervision et suivi
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the rehabilitation of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure in Cotonou, Benin.
Consultant en Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (CGES) Livrable No 11 : Étude d’impact environnemental et social programmatique – Centrales photovoltaïques de Natitingou et Djougou
Programmatic Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Natitingou and Djougou Photovoltaic Power Plants in Benin.
Consultant en Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (CGES) Livrable No 11 : Étude d’impact environnemental et social programmatique - Centrales photovoltaïques de Parakou et
Programmatic Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Parakou and Bohicon Photovoltaic Power Plants in Benin.
Promoting policy reform in Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Honduras Threshold Program that aimed to save the government money, improve service delivery, and reduce corruption through operationalizing best practices.
Supporting the formalization of land rights in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to improve land use and livestock quality, increase investment, and increase efficiency in the land system.
2018 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Policy on Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals With Disabilities
This policy establishes the practices and procedures, including the allocation of responsibilities, for providing reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities at MCC.
Official Minutes from the April 11, 2019 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Cabo Verde Compact II
Read MCC’s Star Report: Cabo Verde II Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $66.2 million investment in land rights, water, and sanitation from 2012-17. This compact combined infrastructure improvements with policy reforms to benefit over 600,000 people.
Cost Principles for Government Affiliates
This policy sets forth the principles that govern whether an MCC Grant may fund an expense incurred in furtherance of a Program by a Government Affiliate.
Improving Water Supply in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to increase production and quality of water in Dar es Salaam by rehabilitating the Lower Ruvu Water Treatment Plant.
Land Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidance
This document provides methodology and guidance for economists preforming cost benefit analyses in the Land sector.
FY 2018 Conference Report
This report provides a summary of expenses incurred by MCC for conferences held during fiscal year 2018, along with more detailed information on conferences where the net expenses associated with the event exceeded $100,000.
Economic Advisory Council Spring 2019 Meeting Topic Notes
Discussion topic briefers for the three sessions on April 15: Growth and Poverty, Leveraging Private Finance, and Regional Analysis.
Economic Advisory Council April 2019 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
El Salvador Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the El Salvador Compact
Increasing the Supply of Available Water in Jordan
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Jordan Compact aimed at increasing the supply of water to households and businesses through improvements in the efficiency of water delivery.
Étude d’impact environnemental et social (EIES) simplifiée – Centre de Secours du Centre National de Contrôle de la Distribution de la SBEE à Bohicon
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the backup national dispatching center in Bohicon, Benin.
Étude d’impact environnemental et social (EIES) simplifiée – Centre National de Contrôle de la Distribution de la SBEE à AKASSATO
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the national dispatching center in Cotonou, Benin.
Projet de renforcement et de réhabilitation du réseau de distribution d'électricité au niveau régional et à Cotonou
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the rehabilitation of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure in select areas outside of Cotonou, Benin.
Sierra Leone Threshold Program Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Sierra Leone Threshold Program
Harnessing Watersheds for Agricultural Support in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Cabo Verde WMAS Project that aimed to increase agricultural productivity in three watershed areas of the archipelago through three key project activities.
Modernizing Vocational Education In Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s first Compact in Mongolia aimed at increasing employment and income among unemployed and marginally employed Mongolians through improving the quality and relevance of vocational education.
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidance
This document provides methodology and guidance for economists preforming cost benefit analyses in the Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) sectors.
Zambia Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Zambia Compact
ESIA for the Raw Water Transmission Pipeline Project, Liberia
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the raw water transmission pipeline project in Liberia.
Indonesia Compact
Read MCC’s Star Report: Indonesia Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $474 million investment in “green prosperity,” community-based health and nutrition, and the modernization of the country’s procurement system from 2013-2018.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2020 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY20 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Improving Agriculture Through Irrigation in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Burkina Faso Compact that aimed at expanding the productive use of land in order to increase the volume and value of agricultural production.
Removing Barriers to High-Value Agriculture in Moldova
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Moldova Compact that was designed to catalyze investments in high-value agriculture products, moving away from low-value grains.
Improving Irrigation Systems and Land Tenure Security in Senegal
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC's Senegal Compact that aims to improve agricultural productivity and the competitiveness of the agricultural sector.
Improving Education Infrastructure and Training in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a school rehabilitation activity and a nationwide training activity for teachers and school directors, focused on improving the quality of secondary-level STEM education in Georgia.
Strengthening Health Services in Lesotho
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Lesotho Compact that aimed to increase access to life-extending anti-retroviral therapy and essential health services by providing a sustainable delivery platform.
Local Infrastructure Investments Deliver Benefits in the Philippines
ead this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Philippines Compact, the Kalahi-CIDSS (KC) Project, a community driven development project aimed to reduce poverty, improve participatory local governance, and empower communities.
Matching trainees’ skills to market needs in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia II Compact that seeks to improve the alignment between the skills of Georgian vocational training graduates and the skills demanded by the labor market.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2020
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY20.
Compact Survey Summary, FY20
MCC implementation staff is surveyed on a number of topics in preparation for the annual decision to select compact partners. The following report is intended to provide a sense of the topics and questions addressed through this process.
Program Implementation Agreement Between MCC and Nepal
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Nepal.
Guatemala Threshold Program Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the Guatemala Threshold Program
Modernizing Government Procurement in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Indonesia Compact focused on achieving procurement efficiency and ensuring that the quality of procurements serves the public interest.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2020
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Scorebook for FY 2020
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2020 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
MCC FOIA Regulation
MCC's regulations for implementing the Freedom of Information Act.
Official Minutes from the October 17, 2019 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the October 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2019
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2019.
Promoting On-Grid Renewable Energy in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC Indonesia Green Prosperity Project’s efforts to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels by increasing the production of renewable energy.
Promoting Peatland Management in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC Indonesia Green Prosperity Project’s efforts to reduce land-based greenhouse gas emissions by improving land use practices and natural resources management.
Reducing Households' Water-Related Burdens in Jordan
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Water Smart Homes Activity under the Jordan Compact, which aimed to decrease the cost for households in Zarqa Governorate to meet their water needs.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2020
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be “eligible” for FY 2020– with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Rapport definitif d’Etude d’Impacts Environnemental et Social de la RN 35
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Rehabilitation of Niger National Road 35.
Etudes D'Avant-Projet Detaille (APD Et D'Impact Evironnemental Et Social (EIES) Pour Les Travaux De Rehabilitation, De Gestion Et D'Entretien Par Niveaux De Service (Genis) De La RN7 Avec Option Pour La Supervision Des Travaux De Rehabilitation
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the rehabilitation of Niger National Road 7.
Addressing Barriers to Education in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of the Namibia Compact’s Education Project that aimed to improve Namibia’s workforce by increasing the quality of educational infrastructure and improving textbook access and management.
Using Analysis of Beneficiaries to Inform Decision Making at MCC
Read this briefing note on results-based financing from the November 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Cost Recovery and Tariff Policy in MCC Compacts
Read this briefing note on cost recovery and tariff policy in MCC compacts from the November 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Economic Advisory Council November 2019 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the November 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Opportunities for Results-Based Financing at MCC
Read this briefing note on results-based financing from the November 2019 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2021
MCC’s FY 2021 budget request to Congress includes $800 million for the agency to continue its mission of fighting global poverty through economic growth. View MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
Etude D'Impact Environnementale Et Sociale De La Zone Industrielle De Bouznika Et De Son Extension A Cherrat
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the evaluation of revitalization and extension of industrial zone in Morocco.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Training Service Delivery for Jobs & Productivity
MCC has commited over $340 million in support of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programming across eleven programs to help people develop the skills demanded by the labor market to increase employment and spur economic growth.
Principles into Practice: Training Service Delivery for Jobs & Productivity
MCC has commited over $340 million in support of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programming across eleven programs to help people develop the skills demanded by the labor market to increase employment and spur economic growth.
MCC Guidelines for Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Data and Documentation (TREDD)
MCC’s new TREDD Guidelines set forth the principles and procedures for implementing transparent, reproducible, and ethical data and documentation for MCC-funded data activities while facilitating MCC’s general observance of the “Common Rule”.
El Salvador Investment Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
M&E Plan for the El Salvador Investment Compact
Improving water and sanitation in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Cabo Verde Compact II that aimed to improve management of the water and sanitation sector, support utilities to operate more efficiently, and increase access to piped water and sanitation.
Expanding Urban Water Supply and Drainage in Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to improve access to safe, reliable water supply and reduce flooding to improve health outcomes and spur economic growth in urban areas.
Reducing Stunting in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Indonesia Compact that aimed to improve the health and nutrition of pregnant women and children under age 5, with an emphasis on reducing stunting.
Supporting sustainable land management in Malawi
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about early findings on outputs of a project in Malawi that aimed to improve sustainable land and natural resource management in the Shire River Basin.
Improving land management for hydropower generation in Malawi
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about early findings from a project in Malawi that aimed to reduce costly disruptions and increase the efficiency of hydropower generation by mitigating aquatic weed growth and sedimentation in the Shire River Basin.
Malawi Compact
Read MCC’s Star Report: Malawi Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $351 million investment, focused on intensive policy and institutional reforms coupled with infrastructure investment, aimed at fundamentally transforming Malawi’s power sector.
2019 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Increasing the supply of available water in Jordan
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Jordan Compact, which aimed to increase the supply of water to households and businesses through improvements in water delivery, wastewater collection, and wastewater treatment.
Projet Competences pour l'employabilite et la productivite (Projet Competences) - Livrable 6: Cadre de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (CGES)
Framework Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the construction of secondary schools and TVET sites.
Closed Compact Report: Honduras Compact
Read MCC’s Closed Compact Report: Honduras Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $215 million investment in rural development and transportation from 2005-2010.
Zambia Compact
Read MCC’s Star Report: Zambia Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $332 million investment focused on intensive rehabilitation of Zambia’s water supply and sewage and drainage systems. The compact fundamentally transformed Zambia’s water sector.
Reforming the Power Sector in Malawi
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of the power sector reform project, which aimed to create an environment for future power sector expansion by strengthening sector institutions and enhancing regulation and governance of the sector.
Improving Water, Sanitation, and Drainage in Zambia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Zambia Compact that aimed to expand access to and improve the quality of water and sanitation service provision, and upgrade drainage services in Lusaka.
Sustainable Cocoa Production in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Indonesia Green Prosperity Sustainable Cocoa Partnership grants that aimed to increase the sustainable farmer productivity and incomes of farmers and reduce land-based greenhouse gas emissions.
2019 Equal Employment Opportunity Data
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Promoting Procurement Efficiency and Reform in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Indonesia Procurement Modernization Project that aimed to achieve significant government expenditure savings with no loss of procured goods and services.
Program Implementation Agreement Between MCC and Morocco II
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Morocco II.
Annex of General Provisions
The Annex of General Provisions is utilized to put parties on notice and to extend certain compact terms and requirements to all compact-related agreements to which the compact may not legally apply.
Establishing Modern Olive Oil Processing Units in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco Compact I that aimed to support second-order producer organizations in transforming olives into high-quality olive oil to be commercialized.
Improving Production of Irrigated Crops in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s first Morocco Compact that aimed to enhance the yield and profitability of olive and date production in targeted irrigated areas.
Official Minutes from the June 16, 2020 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the June 2020 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Guidance Note to MCAs on Sexual Harassment
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide the Millennium Challenge Accounts (MCAs) in our partner countries with initial guidance on addressing sexual harassment.
Pursuing Green Growth Through Off-Grid Energy in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Indonesia Compact that provided grants for community-owned off-grid renewable energy infrastructure to promote low-carbon economic growth.
Mobilizing Private Investment in El Salvador and Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief the results of MCC’s El Salvador Investment Compact and Guatemala Threshold Program, which aimed to improve the investment climate in El Salvador and enhance Guatemala’s capacity to assess and structure PPPs.
Securing Land Tenure Investments in Benin
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of the rural elements from MCC’s Access to Land Project (ALP) in Benin that aimed to strengthen land tenure security and related perceptions, improve land-based investments, and decrease land disputes.
Creating a Sustainable Recycling Value Chain in Lusaka
The Manja Pamodzi program aims to create a sustainable recycling value chain in Lusaka and improve the economic prospects for waste collectors and aggregators. Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of a performance evaluation of this program.
Improving Water and Sanitation in Zambia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of the MCC Zambia Compact, which funded innovative opportunities in water, sanitation, hygiene, and solid waste management.
Improving Peri-Urban Water Access in Lusaka, Zambia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an MCC Innovation Grant Program project that aimed to improve water access in a peri-urban area of Lusaka, Zambia.
Supporting Artisan Skills and Literacy in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco Compact that aimed to strengthen the tourism and artisan sectors by building on the cultural and historic resources of the Fez Medina.
Economic Advisory Council June 2020 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the June 2020 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Improving Urban Piped Water Access and Supply in Lesotho
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Lesotho urban water activities that aimed to provide a long-term, reliable water supply to Maseru and surrounding towns, while improving piped water access and reliability in urban sites across Lesotho.
Improving Rangeland and Livestock Management in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Community-Based Rangeland and Livestock Management Sub-Activity, which aimed to reverse rangeland deterioration, improve livestock productivity, and increase incomes in Namibia’s Northern Communal Areas.
KPI Table: Madagascar Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact/Threshold.
Evaluation Management Guidance
Learn how MCC’s puts its independent evaluation policy into practice, including the principles underpinning evaluations, how they are managed, and how they are disseminated.
Namibian Communities Value Library Resources
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Regional Study and Resource Center Activity in Namibia, which aimed to improve access to information, training resources, and study facilities for students, job-seekers, and other community members.
Burkina Faso Compact II
The official compact between MCC and Burkina Faso
Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Burkina Faso
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Burkina Faso.
Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Parc industriel Ahl Loughlam
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet 090 Ain Johra
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID) in Morocco.
Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du projet Tawfiq Jadida
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID)
Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet 224 Tétouan
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID)
Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du projet Tétouan Park
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du centre Multiservices d’IZDIHAR
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
EIES du Projet de requalification de la zone industrielle de Tassila Tranche II
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du projet de Développement d’une démarche d’économie circulaire contribuant à la requalification de la ZI de Sidi Bernoussi (DECZID)
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2021 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY21 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2021
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY21.
Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet Fez Smart Factory
Industrial Park Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - grantee of Sustainable Industrial Zone Fund (FONZID).
Increasing Access to Electricity in Liberia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Liberia Compact that aims to improve access to reliable and affordable electricity.
Attracting New Tourists through Marketing to Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to increase tourist arrivals, particularly from North America.
Improving Roads to Reduce Transportation Costs in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Ghana Compact that aimed to reduce the costs of transportation.
Charter for the MCC Economic Advisory Council
The MCC Economic Advisory Council charter specifies the group's objectives and general operations.
Closed Compact Report: Vanuatu Compact
Read MCC’s Closed Compact Report: Vanuatu Compact for a comprehensive look at MCC's five-year $65.69 million compact aimed at reducing transportation costs.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2021
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Improving Aspects of Etosha National Park in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to increase tourist arrivals, particularly from North America.
Upgrading Transport Networks in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to increase cash crop revenue and aggregate visitor spending.
Economic Advisory Council September 2020 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the September 2020 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Scorebook for FY 2021
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2021 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Promoting Policy Reform in Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Honduras Threshold Program, which sought to improve the transparency and efficiency of public financial management and public-private partnerships.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2020
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2020.
Improving Transportation Networks in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Cabo Verde Compact, which aimed to increase integration and reduce transportation costs by rehabilitating three roads on Santiago Island and four bridges on Santo Antão Island.
Program Grant Guidelines
The MCC Program Grant Guidelines define the policies and procedures that govern the award and administration of funding assistance (Grants) by Millennium Challenge Account Entities (MCAs) to implement the Projects funded by MCC.
Improving Roads to Reduce Transportation Costs in Mongolia
Learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to reduce transportation costs along sections of the critical North-South (N-S) road corridor traversing Mongolia from its border with Russia in the north to China in the south.
Upgrading STEM Education at Universities in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia II Compact that aimed to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) university education.
Improving Resource Allocation in Ghana Through Land Titling
Read this Brief to learn about the results of MCC’s Land Tenure Facilitation Activity in Ghana, which aimed to strengthen tenure security, investment, and resource allocation through systematic provision of land titles in the Afuwu-Effutu-Senya District.
Facilitating Land and Property Markets in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to improve the national property registration system through decentralization and infrastructure upgrades, organizational capacity building, and policy reform.
Data Governance Steering Committee (DGSC) Charter
The MCC Data Governance Steering Committee (DGSC) charter specifies the group's objectives and general operations.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2021
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be “eligible” for FY 2021– with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Titling to Raise Land Value and Cut Conflict in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a program from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to provide land titles in informal settlements to increase tenure, investment, credit, and land value.
Mongolia Water Compact Bulk Water Supply Expansion ESIA Report
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the bulk water supply expansion in Mongolia.
Official Minutes from the October 19, 2020 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the October 2020 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Amended Charter for the MCC Economic Advisory Council
The MCC Economic Advisory Council charter specifies the group's objectives and general operations. It was amended on Feb. 19, 2021.
Improving Power Quality and Reliability in Malawi
Read this Evaluation Brief for final results of the Infrastructure Development Project, which aimed to improve the availability, reliability, and quality of power supply; reduce costs of doing business; and increase value-added production in Malawi.
Issue Brief: Land 2.0
This Issue Brief focuses on why land matters to poverty reduction and economic growth, when land appears in MCC’s work, and what principles should guide analysis, development and implementation of land-related investments.
Closed Compact Report: Armenia Compact
Read MCC’s Armenia Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $235.65 million investment in agriculture irrigation and rural road rehabilitation from 2006-2011.
MCC's Mission and Analytic Approaches
Read the topic note for MCC's March 2021 Economic Advisory Council meeting
2020 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Improving irrigation and land tenure in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Agriculture Development Project in Burkina Faso that aimed to improve agricultural productivity, rural incomes, and land tenure security.
MCC Operational Requirements and Milestones for Social Inclusion and Gender Integration
This document lays out the operational requirements for social inclusion and gender integration in all stages of program development and implementation in accordance with MCC’s Gender Policy and other MCC guidance documents.
Promoting sustainable rangeland management in Mongolia
Learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that provided exclusive-use land leases, wells and training in peri-urban areas to improve rangeland management, alleviate overgrazing, and increase herder household incomes.
MCC Procurement Guidance Note: Price-Reasonableness Analysis
This paper provides guidance to the MCA Entity on conducting price-reasonableness analyses in accordance with the applicable provisions of the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines.
MCC’s Commitment on Climate
MCC is rising to meet the existential threat of climate change and significantly stepping up its climate ambition to support sustainable and inclusive growth in its partner countries.
Economic Advisory Council March 2021 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the March 2021 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
MCC Guidance on MCA Human Resources Procedures and Manuals
This MCC Guidance has been developed to support MCAs becoming operational in a short period of time by providing an effective framework for establishing and running an MCA.
Privacy Policy
This policy groups security policies into several high-level roles and defines the mandatory requirements for MCC employees and contractors to understand their obligations per this policy.
Official Minutes from the April 13, 2021 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2021 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2022
MCC’s FY 2022 budget request to Congress includes $912 million for the agency to continue its mission of fighting global poverty through economic growth. View MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
Cost Benefit Analysis Guidelines
The Cost Benefit Analysis Guidance supports the work of MCC economists to conduct cost-benefit analysis as part of the compact development process. The guidance will ensure that analysis of investments is consistent with MCC’s mission statement.
Issue Brief: Principles into Practice: Lessons from Evaluations of MCC Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Programs
This Issue Brief summarizes the lessons derived from $1.4 billion in MCC WASH programming across 13 countries and 17 independent evaluations of these programs.
Principles into Practice: Lessons from Evaluations of MCC Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Programs
This paper reflects on $1.4 billion in MCC WASH investments across 13 countries and synthesizes the results and learning generated from 17 independent evaluations of these WASH programs.
Standards for Global Marking
These standards provide MCAs and Threshold Program countries and implementers with specific requirements for creating and using MCC’s corporate logo, MCA logos and markings associated with Threshold Program assistance.
Procédures et Manuels des Ressources Humaines de MCA
The following document is a French translation of the Guidance on MCA Human Resources Procedures and Manual--developed to support MCAs becoming operational in a short period of time by providing an effective framework for establishing and running an MCA.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Climate Change Strategy
This document sets forth MCC’s strategy for more fully integrating climate considerations into MCC’s core business. This strategy will guide MCC’s work across all programs, whether under development, in implementation, or post-implementation.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Internet Protocol Policy
This policy covers MCC's response to OMB memorandum M-21-07, "Completing the Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)".
Privacy Impact Assessment for MCC Evidence Platform
A privacy impact assessment conducted for MCC Evidence Platform.
Privacy Impact Assessment for MCC Public Website
A privacy impact assessment conducted for the MCC public website.
Improving Irrigation and Land Rights in Senegal
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Senegal Compact that aimed to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector in certain agricultural-dependent areas of northern Senegal.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2022 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY22 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Guidance on Common Indicators
Within country-specific Monitoring and Evaluation plans, MCC uses common indicators to aggregate results across countries within certain sectors and to report those results externally to key stakeholders.
Directives relatives aux subventions dans le cadre du Programme
This is the French translation of MCC Program Grant Guidelines that define policies and procedures that govern the award and administration of funding assistance (Grants) by Millennium Challenge Account Entities (MCAs) to implement the Projects funded by MCC.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2022
This document explains how the MCC Board of Directors will identify, evaluate, and select eligible countries for fiscal year 2022.
FY 2021 Conference Report
This report provides a summary of expenses incurred by MCC for conferences held during fiscal year 2021.
Grant Accrual Estimation Guidance
This guidance outlines the requirements for Accountable Entities in providing an estimate of accrued expenses, or payments owed for goods, services, or work provided during the quarter, on a quarterly basis for incorporation into MCC financial statements.
Georgia II Compact
Learn the results of a $140 million compact between the Republic of Georgia and MCC. The compact improved science, technology, engineering, and math education, and included investments in general education, technical training, and advanced degree programs.
Climate Action Plan
Recognizing that climate change, poverty and economic growth are inextricably linked, MCC is expanding its work on climate change across the agency's compact, threshold and regional program grant portfolio and business operations as detailed in this plan.
MCC Counter-Trafficking in Persons Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide operational guidance to accountable entities (“MCAs”) and MCC for assessing and managing trafficking in persons risks on MCC-funded projects.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2022
This is a guide to understanding and interpreting the indicators used on the country scorecards by MCC in Fiscal Year 2022
Building road maintenance capacity in Liberia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Liberia Roads Project that aims to strengthen national road maintenance planning.
Power Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Design Principles
This document establishes guidance on the principles to be used for MCC’s economic analysis of public investments and interventions in the power sector.
Scorebook for FY 2022
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2022 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2021
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2021.
The Gambia Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of The Gambia.
Monitoring of Municipal Water Quality in Lusaka, Zambia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Zambia Compact water supply, sewerage, and drainage activities, which aimed to improve water quality in Lusaka’s distribution system and decrease the prevalence of water-related diseases.
Unlocking Market Access via Road in Senegal
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Senegal Road Rehabilitation Project that was designed to boost economic growth by unlocking the country’s agricultural productivity and expanding access to markets and services.
Official Minutes from the November 05, 2021 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the November 2021 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Economic Advisory Council November 2021 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the November 2021 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2022
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be “eligible” for FY 2022– with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Equity Action Plan
From country selection through program design, implementation and evaluation, MCC seeks to promote equity as part of the agency’s mission.
Solomon Islands Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Solomon Islands.
KPI Table: Guatemala Threshold Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact/Threshold.
MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on Technical Reviews and No-Objections
This guidance seeks to provide Accountable Entities with information related to the MCC Technical Review and No-Objection processes.
Guidelines for Peer Review of Cost-Benefit Analysis
This guidance updates and replaces the MCC Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Guidance to establish the process for peer review of the CBA model and the resulting estimates of economic rates of return (ERRs).
Annex 2: Example MCC Country Team and AE Protocol for Managing Technical Review and No-Objection Processes (French)
Annex 2 of the No-Objection Guidance consists of a sample protocol for managing Technical Review and No-Objection processes.
2021 Annual Partnerships Report
This inaugural Annual Partnerships Report illustrates how MCC partnerships further the impact, scale, innovation, and sustainability of MCC programs to improve lives for people around the world.
Senegal Power Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
The monitoring and evaluation plan for the five-year, $550 million MCC Power Compact, between the Government of the United States and Senegal
Privacy Impact Assessment for MCC Box Platform
A privacy impact assessment conducted for MCC Box Platform.
Reforming the electricity sector in Sierra Leone
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the interim results from MCC’s Sierra Leone Threshold Program that aimed to overcome institutional weaknesses and strengthen regulatory systems to increase access to reliable, affordable electricity in greater Freetown.
Reforming the water sector in Sierra Leone
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the interim results from MCC’s Sierra Leone Threshold Program which focused on strengthening regulatory systems, improving water utility operations, and increasing access to clean and reliable water in greater Freetown.
Mobilizing Private Investment in El Salvador and Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s El Salvador Investment Compact and Guatemala Threshold Program that aimed to improve El Salvador’s investment climate and enhance Guatemala’s capacity to implement public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2023
MCC’s FY 2023 budget proposal to Congress includes $930 million for the agency to continue its core mission of reducing global poverty through economic growth. Read MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
Connecting northern El Salvador through road improvements
Learn the final results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to connect El Salvador’s northern zone with the rest of the country by improving roads, lowering transportation costs, and decreasing travel times.
Réalisation Des Études D’avant – Projet Détaillé (APD), D’impact Environnemental Et Social (EIES) Des Travaux Pour La Réhabilitation Du Périmètre Irrigué De Konni. (Tranche ferme)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment annexes for the rehabilitation of the Konni irrigation perimeter.
Directives du MCC aux Entités Responsables sur les Revues Techniques et les Avis de Non‐Objection
French version of guidance that seeks to provide Accountable Entities with information related to the MCC Technical Review and No-Objection processes.
2021 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Land governance reform for equity and growth in Lesotho
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results from MCC’s Land Administration Reform Activity in Lesotho that supported legal and institutional reforms and systematic land regularization to boost mortgage lending and land markets, especially for women.
Supporting Electricity Sector Regulatory Reform in Ghana
Learn the final results of the Regulatory Strengthening and Capacity Building Project from MCC’s Ghana Power Compact, which aims to promote sustainability, transparency, and accountability in the electricity sector by supporting regulatory reform.
Economic Advisory Council April 2022 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2022 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Greater Effectiveness with Policy and Institutional Reform
Read this topic note on policy and institutional reform from the April 2022 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Lesotho Health and Horticulture Compact
The official compact between MCC and Lesotho.
Program Implementation Agreement with Lesotho
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Lesotho.
DEIA Strategic Plan 2022-2026
This Strategic Plan aligns with Executive Order (EO) 14035 and outlines MCC’s integrated approach to advance DEIA within MCC’s workforce.
Rapport Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social des travaux de réhabilitation (Guida, Roumdji et Kara) et construction (Dan Koulou, Gabi, Dakoro et Ouserna) des marchés à bétail dans la Région de Maradi
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Activity in the Maradi region of Niger.
Rapport d’Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social des travaux de construction des marchés à bétail à Hamdallaye,Wankama et Torodi dans la région de Tillabéri
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Activity in the Tillabéri region of Niger.
Rapport d’Etude d’impacEnvironnemental et Social des travaux de construction des marchés à bétail de Tabalak, Abalak, Ibohamane et Ourno /Région de Tahoua
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Activity in the Tillabéri region of Niger.
Rapport d’Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social des travaux de construction des marchés à bétail à Batako, Tanda, Ouna, Karguibangou et Fadama dans la Région de Dosso
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Activity in the Dosso region of Niger.
Official Minutes from the April 21, 2022 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2022 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Kosovo Compact
The official compact between MCC and Kosovo.
Timor-Leste Compact
The official compact between MCC and Timor-Leste.
Program Implementation Agreement with Kosovo
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Kosovo.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Candidate Country Report for Fiscal Year 2023
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY23 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Projet de modernisation et de renforcement du reseau de transport electrique dans la region de Dakar
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the transmission project in Dakar, Senegal.
Kosovo Threshold Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact/Threshold.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance for Fiscal Year 2023
This document explains how the MCC Board of Directors will identify, evaluate, and select eligible countries for fiscal year 2023.
Malawi Transport and Land Compact
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Malawi.
Program Implementation Agreement with the Republic of Malawi
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the Republic of Malawi for the Malawi Transport and Land Compact.
Strengthening the Education System in Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of an implementation analysis of MCC’s Guatemala Education Project that sought to establish a better teacher selection and recruitment process and improved use of data for decision-making.
Land Use Planning for Sustainable Growth in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Indonesia Compact that aimed to provide tools for improved land-use planning and sustainable development.
Understanding the Sustainability of Off-grid Energy in Indonesia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Indonesia Compact that provided grants for community-owned off-grid renewable energy infrastructure to promote low-carbon economic growth.
Supporting Sustainable Land Management in Malawi
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Malawi Compact that aimed to increase efficiency of hydropower generation by improving sustainable land and natural resource management and gender equality in the Shire River Basin.
Increasing Efficiency of Hydropower Generation in Malawi
This Evaluation Brief highlights some of the final results of MCC’s investments in Malawi to reduce costly electricity disruptions and increase the efficiency of hydropower generation by mitigating aquatic weed growth and sedimentation in the Shire River Basin.
Inclusion and Gender Strategy
Promoting social inclusion and gender is at the core of MCC's mission to reduce global poverty and promote economic growth. The Inclusion and Gender Strategy builds upon a decade and a half of work, particularly in the area of addressing gender inequality.
Investing in Land Management Systems in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Cabo Verde II Compact that sought to establish an authoritative management information source to reduce the time and cost of land transactions and registration for all users.
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2023
This is a guide to understanding and interpreting the indicators used on the country scorecards by MCC in Fiscal Year 2023.
Charter for the MCC Advisory Council
The MCC Advisory Council charter specifies the group's objectives and general operations.
Scorebook for FY 2023
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2023 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Official Minutes from the October 19, 2022 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the October 2022 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Annual Management Report, Fiscal Year 2022
The Annual Management Report for FY 2022 provides the results that enable the President, Congress, and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for the reporting period from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.
MCC Agricultural Economy Program Design Toolkit
This Agricultural Development Toolkit is designed for development practitioners and partners in both the public and private sectors to assist in the design of high-impact programs in the agricultural economy— from inputs to the farm to the consumer.
Economic Advisory Council November 2022 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the November 2022 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Modernizing the Small-scale Fisheries Value Chain in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco Compact that aimed to improve the quality of the catch, maintain the value chain, increase access to local and export markets, and assure the sustainable use of fish resources.
DCO TVS Abidjan Transport Project (ATP) - Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Abidjan Transport Project in Cote d'Ivoire.
Benin Concurrent Compact
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Benin.
Niger Concurrent Compact
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Niger.
Program Implementation Agreement with Benin
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the Republic of Benin.
Program Implementation Agreement with Niger
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the Republic of Niger.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2023
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be eligible for FY 2023 – with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Insights from General Education Evaluations
This paper reviews and synthesizes MCC’s findings from its independent evaluations in general education, covering investments in both primary and secondary education.
FY 2022 Conference Report
This report provides a summary of expenses incurred by MCC for conferences held during fiscal year 2022.
Independent Evaluation at MCC
This paper builds on prior publications of M&E learning to describe the key drivers of its 18-year evolution, the systems for managing evaluation quality, and a refined definition of high-quality evaluation to guide MCC’s evaluation practice going forward.
Training power utility workers in Liberia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Liberia Compact that aimed to improve the skills and capacity of the Liberia Electricity Corporation workforce through training for utility staff.
Improving water supply to the water utility in Liberia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of the Water Pipeline Sub-Activity, a water infrastructure component of MCC’s Liberia Compact, that aimed to improve water supply in Liberia.
Supplying STEM trainees to meet market needs in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Georgia II Compact that aimed to improve the alignment between the skills of technical and vocational education and training graduates and the skills demanded by the labor market.
2022 Annual Partnerships Report
The 2022 Annual Partnerships Report highlights partnerships that reflect MCC’s mission to reduce global poverty through sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2024
MCC’s FY 2024 budget proposal to Congress includes $1.1 billion for the agency to continue its core mission of reducing global poverty through sustainable, inclusive, economic growth. Read MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
2022 Annual Report
Since its creation in 2004, MCC has transformed lives and created opportunities in its partner countries by focusing on one mission: reducing poverty through economic growth.
2022 Equal Employment Opportunity Data
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Togo Threshold Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
MCC document outlining the monitoring and evaluation of the Togo Threshold Program
Indonesia Infrastructure and Finance Compact
The official compact between MCC and Indonesia.
Program Implementation Agreement with Indonesia
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the Republic of Indonesia.
MCC Land Records and Transaction Systems Technology Toolkit
This Land Records and Transaction System Assessment and Design Toolkit is intended for practitioners in both the public and private sectors to identify optimal technology approaches for strengthened land administration.
Supporting high-value agriculture in Moldova
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Moldova Compact that aimed to increase rural incomes by stimulating growth in high-value agriculture and to catalyze future investments in high-value agriculture.
Extending Piped Water and Sewer Coverage in Cabo Verde
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Cabo Verde II Compact that aimed to improve water and sanitation service delivery, increase households’ productivity, increase sector funding, and make government spending more efficient.
Economic Advisory Council April 2023 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2023 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Benin Power Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Benin Power Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Closed Compact Report: Georgia Compact
Read MCC’s Georgia Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $395.3 million investment in improved access to jobs and markets, more reliable access to basic services, and access to capital for enterprise development.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Official Minutes from the April 25, 2023 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2023 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Education and Workforce Development Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidance
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for MCC’s economic analysis of interventions in education.
Promoting land tenure security in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Rural Land Governance Project in Burkina Faso that aimed to increase investment in land and rural productivity through improved land tenure security and land management.
Benin Power Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the compact.
Country Contributions Policy
This policy is intended to promote meaningful country contributions to programs funded under MCC compacts; to ensure proper documentation, implementation, reporting, and monitoring of country contributions; and to facilitate Millennium Challenge Act compliance.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Candidate Country Report for Fiscal Year 2024
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY24 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Reforming the Water Sector in Sierra Leone
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results MCC’s Sierra Leone Threshold Program which focused on strengthening regulatory systems, improving water utility operations, and increasing access to clean and reliable water in greater Freetown.
Improving Water, Sanitation, and Drainage in Lusaka, Zambia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of MCC’s Zambia Compact Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Project, which aimed to rehabilitate and extend infrastructure and strengthen the institutional capacity of water utility.
Increasing Access to Reliable Electricity in Liberia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Liberia Compact that aimed to encourage economic growth and reduce poverty by providing access to more reliable and affordable electricity.
Policy on Program Closure
This policy was created to assist governments and accountable entities with the closure of programs funded under a Millennium Challenge Compact.
Politiques de la clôture du programme
La Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) établi les politiques suivantes pour aider les gouvernements et les entités responsables à mener à bien les programmes (Programmes) financés dans le cadre d'un Compact Millennium Challenge (Compact).
Selection Criteria and Methodology Report for Fiscal Year 2024
This document explains how the MCC Board of Directors will identify, evaluate, and select eligible countries for fiscal year 2024.
Politique de suivi et d'évaluation des compacts et des programmes seuils
Cette politique énonce les exigences et régit le suivi et l’évaluation de tous les programmes compacts et seuils de MCC. Elle vise à établir les rôles, les responsabilités et les attentes clés concernant la conception, la conduite, la diffusion et l’utilisation.
Policy for Monitoring and Evaluation of Compact and Threshold Programs
The policy will govern the monitoring and evaluation of all compacts and threshold programs regardless of the organization responsible for implementation of the compact or threshold program.
Partnerships Drive the Global Goals
This special edition of Milestones delves into the agency's 20-year impact in driving results that have supported countries in advancing their Sustainable Development Goals and creating a more equitable future for all.
Kenya Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Kenya.
Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Shutdown Contingency Plan
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires all agencies to have a shutdown plan in the case of a lapse, or hiatus, in appropriations. This is MCC's plan.
Mozambique Connectivity and Coastal Resilience Compact
The official compact between MCC and Mozambique.
Program Implementation Agreement with Mozambique
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the Republic of Mozambique.
Kiribati Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Kiribati.
Health Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidance
This document provides methodology and guidance for economists preforming cost-benefit analyses in the health sector.
Improving Roads to Reduce Transport Costs in Moldova
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Moldova Compact that aimed to rehabilitate a 93 kilometer portion of the national M2 Road, including associated structures such as bridges, drainage systems, and culverts.
Improving the quality of general education in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Georgia II Compact that aimed to improve the quality of public science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in grades 7-12.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Guide to the MCC Indicators for Fiscal Year 2024
This is a guide to understanding and interpreting the indicators used on the country scorecards by MCC in Fiscal Year 2024.
Presentation: Zambia II Compact Development – Electricity, Irrigation, and Logistics (EIL) Capital Inputs Projects
This presentation was delivered to the MCC Advisory Council at its Fall 2023 meeting.
Projet Access - Annexes de l’Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social Globale
Annexes of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the access to electricity project in Senegal.
Scorebook for FY 2024
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2024 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Annual Management Report, Fiscal Year 2023
The Annual Management Report for FY 2023 provides the results that enable the President, Congress, and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for the reporting period beginning October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023.
MCC Procurement Guidance Note: Price-Reasonableness Analysis for Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines
This paper provides guidance to the MCA Entity on conducting price-reasonableness analyses in accordance with the applicable provisions of the MCC Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines.
Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services effective 01 December 2023
This Standard Bidding Document for the Procurement of Consulting Services has been prepared by MCC for use by Accountable Entities in Belize, Kosovo, Malawi, and Mozambique when procuring consulting services that are financed in whole or in part by MCC.
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for Consulting Services SBD effective 01 December 2023
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services. Effective 01 November 2023
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for Consulting Services SBD effective 01 December 2023
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services. Effective November 1, 2023
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for Consulting Services SBD effective 01 December 2023
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services. Effective November 1, 2023.
Improving Tax and Customs Administration in Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Guatemala Threshold Program which aimed to increase resources by improving efficiency in customs without affecting trade facilitation.
Matching Training to Labor Demand in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Investment Compact that aimed to strengthen the national TVET governance system.
Morocco Employability and Land Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact.
Topic Note: Prioritizing Growth and Climate Change: Can MCC Deliver on Both?
This topic note served as background for a discussion at the MCC Fall 2023 Economic Advisory Council meeting.
Economic Advisory Council Fall 2023 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the Fall 2023 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2024
This report includes a list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be eligible for FY 2024 – with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation – and the eligible countries with which the board will seek to enter into compacts.
Official Minutes from the October 25, 2023 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the October 2023 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Niger Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact/Threshold.
Politique et Directives relatives à la Passation de marchés de l’Entité Responsable, Pour les Passations de marchés à effectuer après le 1er janvier 2024
Le document de Politique et Directives relatives à la Passation de marchés de l’Entité Responsable (ER) sera en vigueur à partir du 1er janvier 2024 pour toutes les Passations de marchés de l'ER à effectuer après cette date.
Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines, effective from Jan 1, 2024
This Accountable Entity (AE) Procurement Policy & Guidelines document is effective from Jan 1, 2024 for all AE procurements released after this date.
Procurement of Consulting Services for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Consulting Services using QCBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Goods and Related Services (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Goods and Related Services using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities. Last updated Jan 11, 2024.
Procurement of Goods and Related Services (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Goods and Related Services using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities. Last updated Jan 11, 2024.
Procurement of Non-Consulting Services for Procurements (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Non Consulting Services using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Non-Consulting Services for Procurements (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Non Consulting Services using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Request for Applications for the Procurement of Individual Consultants for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Individual Consultants and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Supply and Installation of Information Systems for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Information Systems and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Request for Offers for the Procurement of Consulting Services using a Time and Materials Contract effective January 1, 2024
This SBD is for the Procurement of Consulting Services T&M and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for modularized Consulting Services SBD effective Jan 1, 2024
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for modularized Consulting Services SBD effective Jan 1, 2024
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for modularized Consulting Services SBD effective Jan 1, 2024
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Design-Build (CB) Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Design Build using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Design-Build (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Design Build using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Large Works (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Large Works using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Large Works (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Large Works using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Small Works (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Small Works using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Small Works (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024
This modularized SBD is for the Procurement of Small Works using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for Large Works, Design Build and Small Works (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works QPBS, Design Build QPBS and Small Works QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024.
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for Large Works, Design Build & Small Works (CB) released after January 1, 2024
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works Competitive Bidding, Design Build Competitive Bidding and Small Works Competitive Bidding effective Jan 1, 2024.
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for Small Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Small Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024.
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for Design Build (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024
Section VII -Particular Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Design Build Competitive Bidding & QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024.
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for Large Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Large Works Competitive Bidding & QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024.
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for Large Works, Design Build and Small Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS, Design Build Competitive Bidding and QPBS, and Small Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Enabling Off-Grid Energy Investment in Benin
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Benin Power Compact that aimed to support access to electricity through off-grid electrification, policy reforms and institutional strengthening.
Annex 2a: Guidance on Financial Reports
This document is for use with the MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package.
Procurement of Goods and Related Services (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Goods and Related Services using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Individual Consultants for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Individual Consultants and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Large Works (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Large Works using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Consulting Services using QCBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Program Monitoring as a Tool for Measuring, Communicating, and Improving Program Effectiveness
MCC is committed to ensuring that our grants focus on impactful projects and produce results. How does MCC determine the expected outcomes of our grants? Read our chapter on Program Monitoring in The Oxford Handbook of Program Design and Implementation Evaluation.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Annual Report, FY 2023
MCC's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Annual Report for fiscal year 2023.
MCC's 20th Anniversary Press Release Template
Personalize MCC's 20th Anniversary press release to highlight your country's role in MCC history.
Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
This policy is intended to give security researchers clear guidelines for conducting vulnerability discovery activities and to convey our preferences in how to submit discovered vulnerabilities to us.
Agriculture Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Guidance
This document provides methodology and guidance for economists preforming cost-benefit analyses in the agriculture sector.
MCC's Unsung Heroes
This special edition of Milestones delves into the agency's unsung heroes and their impact over the past 20-years.
Projet Access - Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the access to electricity project in Senegal.
Strengthening Secondary Education in Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of MCC’s Guatemala Threshold Program which aimed to provide Guatemala’s youth with quality educational opportunities and mobilize government resources to address binding constraints to economic growth.
Improving Technical and Vocational Education in Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of MCC’s Guatemala Threshold TVET Activity which aimed to provide quality youth educational opportunities with relevance to the labor market through two institutional partners, the Guatemalan Ministry of Education and the National School of Agriculture.
MCC Policy on Accountable Entities’ Submission of the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package
This policy was approved on February 23, 2024 and is effective as of March 1, 2024.
Annex 1: Explanatory Notes Template
This document is for use with the MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package.
Annex 2: Guidance on Quarterly Financial Reports
This document is for use with the MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package.
Annex 3: Budget Reallocation Request Outline
This document is for use with the MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package.
Annex 4: OOC Justification Memo Template
This document is for use with the MCC Guidance to Accountable Entities on the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package.
Advancing Policy to Drive Progress
This special edition of Milestones explores how the passing of the S.1240/H.R. 3042, the MCC Candidate Country Reform Act, can enhance the agency's impact and provide more services to individuals and communities worldwide.
2023 Annual Partnerships Report
The 2023 Annual Partnerships Report highlights partnerships that reflect MCC’s mission to reduce global poverty through sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
Procurement of Large Works (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Large Works using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Small Works (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Small Works using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Small Works (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Small Works using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Non-Consulting Services (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Non Consulting Services using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Non-Consulting Services (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Non Consulting Services using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Goods and Related Services (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Goods and Related Services using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2025
MCC’s FY 2025 budget proposal to Congress includes $937 million in discretionary funding to deliver on its mission to reduce poverty through sustainable, inclusive, economic growth. Read MCC’s complete Congressional Budget Justification.
Strengthening the Electricity Grid in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of the Financial and Operational Turnaround Project from MCC’s Ghana Power Compact, which aims to improve electricity reliability by installing new transformers to reduce low voltage circuit lengths.
Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report
Through its country-led, results-driven approach to foreign assistance, MCC empowers the poor and catalyzes private investment for public good, creating a more secure world with opportunities for economic growth at home and abroad.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Pre-Qualification Template for Procurements of Large Works released after January 1, 2024
This Template is for pre-qualification of Offerors for the Procurement of Large Works and is effective January 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Pre-Qualification Template for Procurements of Large Works released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This Template (French) is for pre-qualification of Offerors for the Procurement of Large Works and is effective January 1, 2024 for use by Accountable Entities.
Impacting the Next 20 Years
This special edition of Milestones highlights two decades of data-driven results and sustainable impact, providing direct economic benefits to nearly 400 million people living in poverty globally.
Procurement of Design-Build (CB) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Design Build using Competitive Bidding procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Design-Build (QPBS) for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Design Build using QPBS procedures and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Procurement of Supply and Installation of Information Systems for Procurements released after January 1, 2024 (French)
This SBD is for the Procurement of Supply and Installation of Information Systems and is effective Jan 1, 2024 (French) for use by Accountable Entities.
Topic Note: The Last Mile: Connecting MCC Investments to End Users
This topic note served as background for discussion at the MCC Spring 2024 Economic Advisory Council meeting.
Economic Advisory Council Spring 2024 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the Spring 2024 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Previously Awarded Contracts
This list comprises contracts valued at $100,000 or more and that were awarded after 2010.
MCC Nutrition Investment Toolkit (French)
Lors du développement des compacts et projets, la Boîte à outils pour l'investissement dans la nutrition adopte une approche nutritionnelle sensible considérant l'impact que les investissements dans n'importe quel secteur peuvent avoir sur l'état nutritionnel.
MCC Nutrition Investment Toolkit
The Nutrition Investment Toolkit supports a nutrition-smart approach to compact development and project design that considers the impact that investments in any sector may have on nutrition status.
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for modularized Consulting Services SBD released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for modularized Consulting Services SBD released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for modularized Consulting Services SBD released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with modularized Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Consulting Services effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for Design Build (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Design Build Competitive Bidding & QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024 (French).
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for Large Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VII - Particular Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Large Works Competitive Bidding & QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024 (French).
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for Large Works, Design Build & Small Works (CB) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works Competitive Bidding, Design Build Competitive Bidding and Small Works Competitive Bidding effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for Large Works, Design Build and Small Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VIII - Contract Forms and Annexes for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS, Design Build Competitive Bidding and QPBS, and Small Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for Large Works, Design Build and Small Works (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section I - Instructions to Offerors for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Large Works QPBS, Design Build QPBS and Small Works QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for Small Works (CB) & (QPBS) released after January 1, 2024 (French)
Section VI - General Conditions of Contract for use with Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Small Works Competitive Bidding and QPBS effective Jan 1, 2024 (French)
Improving Education Quality in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Investment Compact that aimed to improve teaching and create school systems that shared teaching resources, leading to more students transitioning to high school.
Promoting Land Tenure Security in Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to improve land use efficiency, increase investment and productivity, and develop land markets, leading to increased land values and higher incomes.
Official Minutes from the April 25, 2024 MCC Advisory Council Meeting
This page contains the official minutes from the April 2024 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Advisory Council.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Gender and Inclusion Policy
Through MCC’s Gender and Inclusion Policy, MCC and its partner countries routinely and systematically expand opportunities for women, people living in poverty, and other structurally disadvantaged groups to access, participate in, and benefit from MCC programs.
Advancing STEM Education at Universities in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia II Compact that aimed to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics university education, to provide Georgian students with opportunities for high-quality degrees.
Public Consultation Draft: MCC’s Country Ownership
The following text represents a consultation draft on MCC’s approach to country ownership: where we began, what we have done in this anniversary year to advance our practice, and the principles that will inform our future.
Millennium Challenge Corporation Candidate Country Report for Fiscal Year 2025
This report identifies countries that are “candidate countries” for MCA assistance for FY25 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Belize Compact
The official compact between MCC and Belize.
Program Implementation Agreement with Belize
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and the State of Belize.
Common Indicator Report
Within country-specific plans, MCC uses common indicators to aggregate results across countries within certain sectors.
Achieving robust project design through iterative climate-informed performance assessment
Development agencies such as MCC seek to incorporate consideration of climate hazards—and opportunities to protect against them—into the project design process. This document presents a detailed step-by-step framework agencies can use to do so.
Mobilizing private investment in El Salvador and Guatemala
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s El Salvador Investment Compact and Guatemala Threshold Program that aimed to improve El Salvador’s investment climate and enhance Guatemala’s capacity to implement public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Selection Criteria and Methodology Report for Fiscal Year 2025
This document explains how the MCC Board of Directors will identify, evaluate, and select eligible countries for fiscal year 2025.
Accountable Entities Audit Policy & Guidelines for Contracted Financial Audits
This policy establishes the audit guidelines for independent audit firms in performing contracted financial audits and review engagements for Accountable Entities and foreign organizations, as required by MCC agreements with Recipient Country Governments.
Sierra Leone Compact
The official compact between MCC and Sierra Leone.
Program Implementation Agreement with Sierra Leone
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Sierra Leone
Togo Threshold Program Table of Key Performance Indicators
Table of Key Performance Indicators for the Togo Threshold Program
Senegal Power Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The table of key performance indicators for the Senegal Power Compact.
Partner Country Business Forecast
This quarterly forecast includes planned contract and grant opportunities (above $300,000) administered by MCC partner countries.
Findings of Discrimination Rendered by Basis Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
MCC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the “Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), P. L. 107-174.”
Resilience at Scale
This report describes the benefits of a systems approach to resilient infrastructure planning, along with recommended steps to facilitate its implementation.
Charter for the MCC Advisory Council
The MCC Advisory Council charter specifies the group's objectives and general operations.
Zambia Farm-to-Market Compact
The official compact between MCC and Zambia.
Program Implementation Agreement with Zambia
The official Program Implementation Agreement between MCC and Zambia.
MCC@20: The Capstone
This document synthesizes MCC’s reflection on 20 years of accomplishments and lessons learned and shares a strategic vision based on the MCC@20 policy framework.
Rehabilitating Roads in Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that rehabilitated two primary national road segments in Mozambique: the Namialo-Rio Lurio Road (149.7 km) and Nampula-Rio Ligonha Road (103 km).
Guide to the MCC Scorecard Indicators for Fiscal Year 2025
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Annual Management Report, Fiscal Year 2024
The Annual Management Report for FY 2024 provides the results that enable the President, Congress, and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for the reporting period beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024.
Economic Advisory Council Fall 2024 Meeting Minutes
This page contains the official minutes from the Fall 2024 meeting of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Economic Advisory Council.
Topic Note: Zooming Out: MCC Investments in Regional Integration
This topic note served as background for discussion at the MCC Fall 2024 Economic Advisory Council meeting.
MCC Business Forecast, Fiscal Year (FY) 2025
This business forecast is for informational and marketing purposes only and does not constitute a specific offer or commitment by MCC to fund in whole or in part any agency requirements referenced within.
Scorebook for FY 2025
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2025 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy and Procedures
This document provides policy, definitions, and procedural guidelines for implementing an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy and program at MCC and procedures for processing and adjudicating complaints.
Affirmative Action Plan for the Recruitment, Hiring, Advancement, and Retention of Persons with Disabilities
Pursuant to EEOC requirements, MCC is posting its Affirmative Action Plan for Recruitment, Hiring, Advancement, and Retention of Persons With Disabilities.
MCC Policy on Accountable Entities’ Submission of the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package
This policy was approved on November 27, 2024 and is effective as of January 8, 2025.
Guide to the Program Surveys
The following document is intended to provide a sense of the topics and questions addressed through this survey process and therefore the types of information shared with the MCC Board prior to making country selection decisions.
Guide to Supplemental Information
The following guide illustrates the types of supplemental information that may be taken into consideration by MCC and its Board of Directors when selecting countries for threshold programs, initial compacts, or subsequent compacts.
Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines, effective from Jan. 8, 2025
This Accountable Entity (AE) Procurement Policy & Guidelines document is effective from Jan 8, 2025 for all AE procurements released after this date.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2025
This report includes the list of countries determined by the MCC Board to be eligible for FY 2025, with justification for eligibility and selection for compact negotiation, and with which of the eligible countries the Board will seek to enter into compacts.