Previous APS Opportunities

Photo of two women solar technicians in Indonesia walking between rows of solar panels.


In Indonesia, MCC invested in renewable energy and natural resource management to protect the country's natural capital. MCC's APS has led to partnerships that enhance MCC's capabilities in environmental and natural resource economics.

MCC’s partnering interests for partnership opportunities listed below have been met and MCC is no longer accepting concept papers for these opportunities. The information below is provided for reference.


Photo of three men in Cabo Verde working to survey and geomap a property on the island of Maio as part of the MCC-Cabo Verde Compact for the purposes of clarifying land parcel rights and boundaries.


In Cabo Verde, MCC invested in new technology for clarifying land parcel rights and boundaries. MCC's APS has sought concept papers for partnerships to improve geospatial and earth-observation data in our partner countries.