Do Business With MCC

MCC is an independent U.S. Government agency created with strong bipartisan support to reduce poverty through economic growth in poor countries with a demonstrated commitment to good governance. With cost-effective projects, a lean staff, and an evidence-based approach, we help create more stable, secure countries with new business opportunities for American, global and local companies.

Upcoming Opportunities with MCC

MCC contracts and assistance awards support the operations of MCC headquarters in Washington, D.C., and country oversight and are compliant with Federal Acquisition Regulations.

The table below feeds opportunities dynamically to from and

Contract Opportunities with MCC Funding Opportunities with MCC
MCC awards contracts for professional services, information technology, and individual positions contracted by MCC headquarters in Washington, DC. MCC awards grants and enters into cooperative agreements with mission-driven entities.
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In addition to contracts and assistance awarded by MCC, you may also be interested in contracts and grants awarded by our partner countries to implement MCC programs.

MCC Business Forecast

MCC publishes a semi-annual Business Forecast that includes brief descriptions and contact information for possible opportunities. This forecast includes anticipated contract actions at or above the simplified acquisition threshold of $250,000. This listing is not all inclusive.

Ongoing MCC Contracts

MCC has established blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) and indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts that allow MCC to acquire the goods and services we need on a repeated basis at the best value to the agency and American taxpayers.

Past MCC Contracts

Previously awarded MCC contracts can be viewed at USA Spending and through the Federal Procurement Data System.

Differences Between MCC and Partner Country Contracts

MCC Contracts MCC Partner Country Contracts
$70 million per year, on average $500 million per year, on average
For: headquarters operations, due diligence, and monitoring and evaluation For: program implementation
Administered by: MCC Administered by: MCC partner country accountable entities, often called Millennium Challenge Accounts, with MCC oversight
Comply with: U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Comply with: MCC’s Program Procurement Guidelines, based on international standards

Stay Engaged and Informed


For questions about a procurement notice, please send us an email.