Tanzania Threshold Program

The Tanzania Threshold Program's end date was December 30, 2008. The Threshold Program is now closed.

The Tanzania threshold program targeted the policy areas measured by one of MCC’s eligibility indicators, Control of Corruption.

When Tanzania was selected as threshold eligible, it did not meet the criteria for compact eligibility in the Ruling Justly category. To demonstrate its commitment to good governance, the government proposed reducing public corruption through an approach that would increase civil society engagement, strengthen the rule of law, and support institutional reforms.

Tanzania Program Implementation

The Tanzania threshold program agreement was signed in May 2006; the program officially concluded in December 2008. As the program administrator, USAID managed day-to-day program operations and oversaw the program implementers: Kilimanjaro International, Deloitte & Touche, PACT-Tanzania, the Campaign for Good Governance, Women for Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAf), the National Organization for Legal Assistance (NOLA), the African Wildlife Fund (AWF), and the US Department of Justice’s International Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) and the US Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT). The threshold program partnered with four government entities as well as several non-governmental organizations.

Program Achievements

The Tanzania threshold program was largely implemented as planned, and most outputs were achieved. As a result of threshold program support, the Tanzania Public Procurement Regulatory Authority conducted 39 audits of procuring entities. One of the audits uncovered irregularities in the procurement of electrical generators by the national electricity purveyor. This report was made public, and the subsequent scandal attracted national attention and led to the resignation of several senior government officials, including the Prime Minster.

Tanzania partnered with MCC on a compact.

As of 2024-01-17T21:12:52.566Z