MCC’s compact with the Government of Lesotho seeks to ensure greater access to quality healthcare, create business development opportunities, invest in high-value crop production, and boost profits and formal employment for women- and youth-owned enterprises. The compact also aims to address some of the unique challenges faced by women and youth in Lesotho by providing better legal protections in land tenure and more skills training and business development opportunities. The compact is comprised of three projects designed to combat constraints to economic growth by either strengthening private sector participation or by improving government coordination, capacity, and execution.
Program Projects
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The BETA project plans to increase profits for high-growth potential firms, including enterprises owned by women and youth and firms in rural areas. The project will work across key productive sectors like agriculture, creative industries, manufacturing, and tourism to support the growth of existing and new firms through technical assistance, business development services and linkages to financing opportunities. Grant funding will be available for select women- and youth-owned businesses to purchase equipment, goods, and facilitate business plan implementation.
Projected Long Term Results at the Time of Program Signing
Estimated Economic Rate of Return
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Project Amount Expended
The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) project aims to improve primary healthcare services and standards of care, improve healthcare financial and management systems, and work with the Ministry of Health to modernize health data systems. The project is expected to improve health outcomes, especially maternal and child health, and increase cost savings. The project is also expected to support the sustainability of PEPFAR’s hard-fought achievement in reaching HIV/AIDS epidemic control.
Projected Long Term Results at the Time of Program Signing
Estimated Economic Rate of Return
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Project Amount Expended
The MDIH Project aims to increase rural incomes and fight food insecurity through investing in climate-smart irrigation infrastructure and attracting commercial farmers to collaborate with local, small-holder famers to produce high-value crops and build strong value chains. The MDIH project will also support government reforms and capacity building of the horticulture sector.
Projected Long Term Results at the Time of Program Signing
Estimated Economic Rate of Return