Burkina Faso Compact II

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa with a population of 18.6 million. It faces significant development challenges as indicated by its ranking of 182/189 countries in the United Nations Development Program 2019 Human Development Index, and 43.7 percent of its population is considered poor. However, Burkina Faso also has one of Africa’s fastest growing economies, with a 2019 GDP growth rate of six percent.

Burkina Faso successfully implemented a first compact with MCC from July 2008 to July 2014. The MCC Board of Directors reselected Burkina Faso in subsequent years and on August 13, 2020, MCC and the Government of Burkina Faso signed a second compact.

The second compact was composed of three projects: The Strengthening Electricity Sector Effectiveness Project; the Cost-Effective and Reliable Electricity Supply Project; and the Grid Development and Access Project. On December 8, 2020, the Government Burkina Faso ratified this compact and published it in a special edition of its Official Journal. Burkinabe Parliament confirmed the President’s ratification on April 20, 2021.

On January 31, 2022 MCC paused activity related to the Burkina Faso Compact II following the military's actions against the elected government on January 23, 2022. These actions contradict MCC's commitment to democratic governance and upholding the rule of law—principles that underpin MCC's rigorous selection criteria. MCC again called on all parties to pursue a democratic solution while ensuring the safety and security of all Burkinabes.

On March 31, 2022 the MCC Board of Directors voted to suspend MCC’s assistance to Burkina Faso and its eligibility for a concurrent regional compact as a result of the country’s coup d’état. These events run counter to MCC’s commitment to democratic governance and upholding rule of law. All MCC partner countries are expected to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to these principles to remain eligible for MCC investments.

On September 28, 2022, the MCC Board voted to terminate MCC’s assistance to Burkina Faso and the country’s eligibility for a regional compact. This decision was made in response to the January 2022 coup d’état, which is inconsistent with MCC’s statutorily mandated eligibility criteria, and the July 2022 announcement by the transition authorities of a prolonged period before elections. In making this difficult decision, MCC’s Board noted its strong interest in partnering with the Burkinabe people once a democratically-elected government takes office.


Created with Highcharts 11.2.0Grant Expended:$0 (0.00%)Grant Committed:$0 (0.00%)Grant Total:$450,000,000 (100.00%)

Financials as of September 30, 2020

Program Budget

Created with Highcharts 11.2.0Monitoring & EvaluationProgram AdministrationGrid Development and Access ProjectStrengthening Electricity SectorEffectiveness ProjectSliceCost-Effective and Reliable ElectricitySupply Project


  • Signed:
    August 13, 2020
  • Terminated:
    September 28, 2022

Program Projects

As of 2022-09-29T00:00:00.000Z