Sectors & Practices


MCC has defined the following sectors as the primary areas of focus for its compact and threshold programs.

  • MCC agricultural investments aim to create jobs, raise incomes, boost nutrition, and reduce poverty by financing vital infrastructure, supporting critical reforms, increasing market access, and expanding private sector investment.

  • Poverty reduction and economic growth are possible when countries invest in educating their people. MCC works with partner countries to ensure that students obtain the knowledge and skills that can help them get better jobs and improve their livelihoods.

  • MCC energy sector investments help create self-sustaining electricity systems for businesses and households, and attract private investment.

  • MCC investments improve nutrition and health, reducing the burden of disease, increasing productivity and resulting in sustained economic growth and poverty reduction.

  • Land and Property Rights investments are designed to contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth by establishing secure and efficient access to land and by strengthening property rights.

  • Safe, reliable, and cost-effective roads improve access to public services like healthcare and schools, lower the time and cost of bringing goods to market, and facilitate regional and international trade – all of which help drive growth and fight poverty.

  • Safe and reliable water and wastewater systems are a vital component in fulfilling MCC’s mission of reducing poverty through economic growth around the world.


MCC integrates the following cross-cutting practice areas into the design and implementation of its programs across all sectors.

  • MCC works with partner countries to integrate internationally-accepted principles of environmental and social sustainability into the design and implementation of compacts.