MCC has broadened and deepened its partnerships with partner country governments, public donors, the private sector, and other U.S. Government agencies for greater impact and leverage. Through effective partnerships, MCC furthers its impact and the sustainability of its investments.
A Commitment to Strategic Partnerships
To strengthen its commitment to partnering with the public and private sectors, MCC established an Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP) with the mandate to provide the vision and strategy for partnerships at MCC, establish partnership “infrastructure” and lead strategic partnerships in conjunction with our Finance, Investment, and Trade Team aligned with MCC’s goals. Building on MCC’s strong track record in leveraging more than $6 billion in partner commitments, the ambition is to more fully utilize partnerships to increase the scale, impact, and sustainability of our operations and investments.
Innovation in Partnerships
MCC catalyzes private investment by partnering with countries to enact market-based reforms and developing innovative public-private partnerships that leverage private capital and expertise. MCC’s compact in El Salvador and threshold programs in Guatemala and Honduras advanced the objectives of MCC’s Public-Private Partnership platform, or P3, established in FY2015 by supporting the development of seven transactions, and funding an internationally recognized PPP training program. MCC hosted a nationwide investment roadshow that highlighted power sector investment opportunities across Africa and featured compact programs in Ghana and Benin. MCC held a partnerships and procurement forum for American businesses in Utah and joined the Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s Expanding Horizons series, continuing our efforts to reach out to American businesses. In support of partnership development, MCC rolled out a relationship management system and developed its first Partnerships and Innovation College.
Powering Africa
To fulfill the agency’s goal of removing constraints to economic growth, MCC is making major investments in energy infrastructure to reduce energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The agency has committed approximately $1.5 billion to power projects, including in Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, and Sierra Leone, that improve the quality and reliability of electricity.
Food Security
MCC worked with 10 other U.S. Government agencies and departments to develop the U.S. Global Food Security Strategy FY2017-21. The Strategy provides an integrated whole-of-government approach, along with agency-specific implementation plans, as required by the Global Food Security Act of 2016. In FY2016, MCC partnered closely with other development partners to promote our mutual goal of sustainably reducing poverty through increased agricultural development.
Data for Development Capacity Building
A $21.8 million interagency partnership known as the Data Collaboratives for Local Impact (DCLI) was launched in April 2015 with funding from PEPFAR and oversight by MCC with two core investments. The first is a data lab that provides data analytics and data visualization training, demonstrating how new, more granular and real-time data can be used to support PEPFAR programming, and is acting as a focal point for data collaborations across sectors. The second investment supports young entrepreneurs’ use of data and technology to solve priority development needs in specific areas, such as national and local health data, while supporting partner countries’ own efforts to drive progress toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Gender and Education
MCC’s goals, mission and country-driven approach promote adolescent girls’ education, most notably through MCC’s nearly $100 million investment to transform secondary education in the Morocco Employability and Land Compact. MCC also continues to join nongovernmental organizations, private-sector businesses, and other donors around the world in the CHARGE Initiative – Collaborative for Harnessing Ambition and Resources for Girls’ Education. This five-year partnership aims to improve learning and leadership opportunities for young women and girls worldwide. MCC embraces strategic partnerships to support the empowerment of women, recognizing that shared values and the inclusion of all citizens strengthen MCC’s goal to reduce global poverty.
Development Community Support
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and MCC signed a Memorandum of Understanding in FY2016 on future collaboration on the sidelines of the AfDB’s Annual Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia. The MOU creates an opportunity for both organizations to work together on major areas of mutual interest, including infrastructure for regional integration, access to power, and development that attracts the private sector. MCC and the AfDB plan to coordinate on and share data and analysis essential to the smart allocation of resources and build on one another’s work to enhance investments.