• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Mongolia Compact
  • October 2015

Health Project

  • $17,027,119Original Compact Project Amount
  • $41,873,776Total Disbursed

Estimated Benefits

Estimated Benefits for the Health Project
Time Estimated Economic Rate of Return (ERR) over 20 years Estimated beneficiaries over 20 years Estimated net benefits over 20 years
At compact closure 13 percent 1,727,000 $12,800,000

Estimated benefits corresponds to $38.6 million of project funds, where cost-benefit analysis was conducted.

Project Description

In Mongolia, rates of non-communicable diseases and injuries (NCDI) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and traffic-accident induced injuries were a major cause of death and disability, particularly in younger age groups. This created a negative impact on the productivity of the country’s labor force. The Health Project aimed to strengthen the national program for prevention, early diagnosis and management of NCDIs and address major causes and risks of NCDIs.

By the end of the Compact, more than 1.4 million health education materials had been disseminated, 49.7 percent of the target population had been screened for diabetes, and 6.5% of the target population of girls age 11-15 had received human papillomavirus vaccinations.

Additional funds were made available to this project after the Rail Project was withdrawn from the compact.

Evaluation Findings

The Health Project Final Process Evaluation Report was released in June 2014 on the MCC Evaluation Catalog. A summary of key results includes:

  • Most activities in the Health Project were well-planned and implemented, resulting in a strengthening of Mongolia’s health system.
  • The Health Project strengthened a culture of quality and  thoroughness of planning and analysis and stimulated a culture of efficiency and accountability in the health sector.
  • The five-year compact implementation period was too short of an evaluation window for a complex program that was deeply embedded in the health system.
  • Assessing the achievement of the ultimate goal of the Health Project, an overall increase in the life expectancy of the Mongolian population, was not possible within the timeframe of the project or immediately afterwards.

Key performance indicators and outputs at compact end date

Key performance indicators and outputs at compact end date
Activity/Outcome Key Performance Indicator Baseline End of Compact Target Quarter 1 through Quarter 20 Actuals (as of Dec 2013) Percent Compact Target Satisfied (as of Dec 2013)
All Non Communicable Diseases and Injuries (NCDI) Activities Amount of civil society grants (USD) 0 2,300,000 2,424,099 105%
NCDI Capacity Building Activity Health staff trained 179 5,000 15,604 320%
Primary healthcare facilities with non-communicable disease (NCD) services (%) 10.3 70 90.2 134%
School teachers trained 0 565 65 100%
NCDI Early Detection Activity Cervical cancer cases detected early (%) 38.4 46.8 52.6 169%
Screening for hypertension (%) 0 66 58.27 88%
NCDI Management Activity Cervical cancer cases detected early (%) 38.4 46.8 52.6 169%
Screening for hypertension (%) 0 66 58.27 88%
NCDI Prevention Activity Cervical cancer cases detected early (%) 38.4 46.8 52.6 169%
Screening for hypertension (%) 0 66 58.27 88%