• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Moldova Compact
  • May 2017

Coordination and Partnerships

The Moldova Compact is an example of successful donor coordination. Throughout the compact development process, MCC and Moldovan Government teams worked closely with the two donors most active in the agriculture and transport sectors in Moldova – USAID and the World Bank. The THVA Project builds on previous work and lessons from both of these donors, and avoids duplication of ongoing projects. MCC and the Moldovan Government also worked closely with the European Union, the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) on environmental and social issues such as water resource management and gender. Close collaboration also occurred with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), EU and the World Bank on the Road Rehabilitation Project.

The Growing High Value Agriculture Sales Activity in THVA Project, which provided technical assistance to farmers to better access markets and support the shift to higher value agriculture, was designed and undertaken jointly with USAID. USAID launched a follow-on agricultural market development project in 2017 expected to reinforce MCC’s compact investments in irrigated agriculture, including continued capacity building among Water User Associations.

Input and collaboration between the World Bank and MCC played a significant role in the development of access to agricultural finance, irrigation management transfer, and food safety components and interventions. The World Bank provided contacts, studies, lessons and informal peer review at all stages of the process.

In November 2010, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), including the World Bank, EU, European Investment Bank, and the EBRD, transferred the coordination of the Joint Team on Transport to MCC, selecting the MCC road project lead as the IFI Team’s coordinator during the remaining compact period. Under MCC’s coordination, the IFIs helped the Moldovan Government increase its road maintenance funding by more than 60 percent between 2010 and 2015.