• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Moldova Compact
  • May 2017

Conditions Precedent

To encourage desired investment outcomes under the compact, MCC and the Government of Moldova agreed that the following conditions had to be met before critical funding would be available:

Key Conditions Precedent
Key Compact Component(s) Major Condition Precedent or Policy Reform Required Rating
Road Rehabilitation Project

Road Rehabilitation Project

Prior to the earlier of (i) the release of invitations for bids for road rehabilitation work funded under the compact for the RRP, or (ii) the date one year following entry into force of the compact, unless MCC agrees otherwise in writing, the Government of Moldova will provide evidence that an amended Road Fund Law is in full force and effect, which ensures that a minimum of 50 percent in calendar year 2011. 65 percent in 2012, and 80 percent in year 2013 and thereafter, of revenue from the fuel excise tax is automatically allocated to the Road Fund.


Transition to High Value Agriculture Project

Transition to High Value Agriculture Project

Prior to the release of invitations to bid for any construction contract for the Centralized Irrigation System Rehabilitation Activity, unless MCC agrees otherwise in writing, the Government of Moldova will have delivered documentation acceptable to MCC evidencing publication in the “Monitorul Oficial” of a Water Law in form and substance acceptable to MCC and in compliance with international best practices, including the provision of water rights for a minimum of 12 years.


Transition to High Value Agriculture Project

Transition to High Value Agriculture Project

Prior to signing the detailed design studies contract for the Centralized Irrigation System Rehabilitation Activity, unless MCC agrees otherwise in writing, the Government of Moldova will have delivered documentation acceptable to MCC evidencing publication in the “Monitorul Oficial” of a WUA law in form and substance acceptable to MCC and in compliance with international best practices; law will be in full force and effect no later than three (3) months after the date of publication.
