• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Morocco Compact
  • October 2015

Compact Changes

The Morocco Compact included significant capital investments in infrastructure and capacity building. Because MCC compacts are fixed amounts executed over a maximum five years, partner governments must focus on obtaining results and balancing changes to costs and implementation rates. During the compact, MCC and the Government of Morocco made mutually agreed-upon adjustments to compact targets, including:

  • Reducing the area of the Rain-fed Olive and Almond Tree Rehabilitation and Expansion Activity from 120,000 to 62,149 hectares; increasing the Olive Tree Irrigation and Rehabilitation Activity area from 25,600 to 34,100 hectares; and increasing the Date Tree Irrigation and Rehabilitation Activity area from 16,000 to 19,400 hectares. The Government of Morocco later funded 19,322 additional hectares of olive orchards to reinforce the Olive Tree Irrigation and Rehabilitation Activity.
  • Reducing the scope of the Fez Medina Activity by $21.2 million and reallocating funds to the Catalyst Fund, a new activity intended to stimulate private sector investment in the olive oil value chain.
  • Enlarging the scope of the $32.8 million Literacy and Vocational Education Activity in the Artisan and Fez Medina Project to expand literacy initiatives across the entire compact.
  • Restructuring the Small-Scale Fisheries Project from 20 landing sites to 11, from 13 ports to 11, and from six wholesale markets to five.
  • Closing the Enterprise Support Project in May 2012. The data from a rigorous analysis of the pilot phase did not show statistically significant impacts, and the revised economic rate of return did not justify scaling up the project for a second phase.
  • Reallocating funds from a $4.5 million sub-activity in the Financial Services Project designed to establish a database of compact-supported sectors to increase the Jaida Microfinance Investment Fund loan from $25 million to $30 million.

In April 2012, after a rigorous technical assessment of progress and remaining challenges in the renovation of Place Lalla Yeddouna as part of the Fez Medina Project, MCC transferred financial obligation to the Government of Morocco, which has contracted the works. Construction is ongoing and is expected to be completed in 2017.