• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Jordan Compact
  • September 2018

Compact Changes

Soon after entry into force of the compact in 2012, $4.5 million was reallocated to the As-Samra Expansion Project from Program Administration and the Wastewater Network Project following an increase in cost of the original project due to inflation in construction costs and exchange rate pressures attributed to the movement in the euro, which led to prolonged negotiations. This modification increased the engineering, procurement and construction cost of the Project from $88.8 million to $93.4 million.

In 2014, compact budget savings were realized due to lower than expected construction costs on the Water Network Project and As-Samra Expansion Project as well as contingencies that were no longer necessary for the ongoing works projects. Between 2014 and 2016, these and other savings were re-allocated to the Wastewater Network Project and As-Samra Expansion Project to fund the following activities:

  • Wastewater Network Project
    • Princess Haya Network Expansion. The compact was able to re-program $18.9 million between 2014 and 2016 to fund approximately 65 km of wastewater network pipes in the Princess Haya neighborhood of Zarqa. This area had been studied during the project due diligence phase of the compact development process as it was adjacent to and west of the Wastewater Network Project area. During compact negotiations, it was determined that insufficient funds were available to further pursue this venture, and therefore the Princess Haya network was originally removed from the initial compact scope.
    • WAJ Administration Building. MCC reallocated approximately $1.6 million between 2014 and 2016 to fund a consolidated administrative and operations building to house the local offices of the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), an autonomous corporate body linked to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, responsible for the public water supply, wastewater services, and overall water resources planning. The construction of this building upgraded the operations capability of WAJ and enhanced customer service, thereby leading to ongoing stakeholder engagement and community involvement and improving the sustainability of the compact investment.
    • Sewer Jet Cleaning Equipment. Six (6) high pressure jetting sewage cleaners at a cost of $964,000 were purchased to enhance system maintenance and design capacity, thereby leading to a longer life-span of the sewage lines. These were deployed by WAJ-Zarqa.
  • As-Samra Expansion Project
    • Sewer Jet Cleaning Equipment. Four (4) high pressure jetting sewage cleaners at a cost of $762,000 were purchased to enhance system maintenance, thereby leading to a longer life-span of the sewage lines. These were deployed by WAJ-Amman.