• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Ghana Compact
  • June 2017

Coordination and Partnerships

MCC and the Government of Ghana worked closely with other U.S. Government agencies and international donors to increase the compact’s impact. USAID, for instance, trained teachers to be based in schools rehabilitated or constructed through the compact’s Community Development Activity and also funded construction of toilet facilities at some of the schools. USAID also took on construction of some of the feeder roads that had to be cut from the compact due to cost limitations. The Peace Corps built on MCC’s investments by placing volunteers to teach in the schools constructed or rehabilitated with compact funds and support farmers trained under the compact to further develop their agribusinesses.

Compact activities were also well integrated with other donors’ efforts. MCC built on the work of the Carter Center to help sustain the eradication of the Guinea worm in northern Ghana by promoting awareness of the disease, training water and sanitation officers, and expanding access to potable water in rural areas. The activities were part of the compact’s $6 million Tamale Water Extension investment under the Rural Development Project, which supplied safe drinking water to 26 communities, including many historically afflicted with Guinea worm.

MCC and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) successfully engaged the Government of Ghana in policy dialogue that resulted in much-needed reform to Ghana’s outdated seed policy. MCC and AGRA also agreed to work together in 23 of the 30 compact intervention districts, created integrated soil fertility management practices, and explored innovative financing mechanisms for seed companies and agro-dealers.

In April 2012, the World Bank approved a $72 million loan for the second phase of the Government of Ghana’s Land Administration Project. The project specifically includes an investment continuing the MCC-funded rural systematic land title registration effort in the Ejisu traditional area, as well as strengthening the administration services of the Lands Commission.

Additionally, MCC, the Government of Ghana and the World Food Programme (WFP) identified opportunities for MCC-funded farmers to be potential suppliers for WFP’s Purchase for Progress initiative, which is designed to respond to food security needs in developing countries by providing a structured market for smallholders as they transition to commercial agriculture. WFP is purchasing grain from compact-trained farmers via grain buyers linked to the compact program to be used in school and emergency feeding programs.