• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Ghana Compact
  • June 2017

Conditions Precedent

Key Conditions Precedent
Key Compact Component(s) Major Condition Precedent or Policy Reform Required Rating
Agriculture Project

Agriculture Project

Prior to any MCC disbursement for the Land Activity on or after the commencement of Quarter 1 of Year 3: MiDA has submitted evidence demonstrating that the Government has taken effective measures to implement the recommendations for legal and institutional reforms for land administration, land management and land tenure as proposed in a memorandum submitted by the Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines to the Cabinet and approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2007.

Met on Time
Agriculture Project

Agriculture Project

Prior to any MCC disbursement for the Land Activity on or after the commencement of Quarter 1 of Year 4: MiDA has submitted evidence demonstrating that Government has harmonized the relevant land legislation and regulations with the constitutional mandate related to public taking of land for the public good.

Met on Time
Agriculture Project

Agriculture Project

Prior to any MCC disbursement for the Post-Harvest Activity on or after the Commencement of Quarter 4 of year 1: MiDA has submitted evidence demonstrating that the Government has adopted an Amendment making the National Plant Protection legislation compliant with IPPC 1997.

Met on Time
Transportation Project

Transportation Project

Prior to each MCC disbursement for the Transportation Project covering Quarter 1 of each Year: MiDA has submitted evidence demonstrating that: (a) the amounts budgeted for routine and periodic maintenance of the maintainable road network for the previous fiscal year (other than fiscal year 2006) have been substantially expended for the intended purpose, and (b) the Government has budgeted funds sufficient to ensure that routine and periodic maintenance works are carried out in accordance with Ghana’s Road Maintenance Standards for the maintainable road network for the current fiscal year.

Met on Time