• Closed Compact Report:  Closed Compact Report: Armenia Compact
  • March 2021

Conditions Precedent

Key Policy Conditions Precedent (CP)
Key Compact Component(s) Major CP or Policy Reform Required Rating Met on Time/Deferred/Waived
Compact wide The Central Banking Authority will modify the regulatory framework for the licensing of MFIs as credit organizations. Met
Irrigated Infrastructure Project - Infrastructure Activity MCA-A has arranged for 15% WUA co-financing of investment in tertiary canal systems consistent with the World Bank Irrigation Development Project. Met
Irrigated Infrastructure Project - Infrastructure Activity The GoA has developed and adopted legislation and/or regulations, or amended existing legislation and regulation, to facilitate the establishment of agricultural cooperatives. Met
Irrigated Infrastructure Project - Infrastructure Activity The GoA has developed and adopted legislation and/or regulations to improve statistics on agriculture, including an accounting of the sector and data collection. Met
Irrigated Infrastructure Project - Infrastructure Activity The GoA adopted the amendment of Article 16 of the Law on Water Users Associations and Federations of Water Users Associations proposed by the Government. Met