Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2024

MCC’s fiscal year 2024 budget proposal will support its mission to reduce poverty through sustainable, inclusive, economic growth in partner countries, while helping create new markets for trade and investment, jobs, and opportunities for American businesses.
Fully funding MCC’s budget proposal will help support eleven compacts anticipated to be undergoing implementation, with another five signed or presented to MCC’s Board, and ready to be signed by the end of FY 2024.
MCC is requesting $51 million for threshold program assistance in FY 2024 to provide for new country selections to be made in December 2023.
Compact development and oversight are composed of both Compact Development Funding and Due Diligence funding. These funds support pre-implementation planning and assessment, oversight activities during implementation, and post-compact evaluations.
The administrative budget covers critical mission support functions such as financial management and oversight, domestic and international security, human resource and overseas administrative support, IT and cybersecurity, and facilities management and rent.
The USAID Office of the Inspector General conducts financial and performance audits and reviews for MCC annually.
MCC is seeking three proposed legislative changes, which are the redefinition of MCC’s candidate country pool, the removal of the 25 percent funding cap on lower-middle income countries (LMICs), and updates to MCC’s Annual Report requirements.
The appendix is a set of supplemental data and supporting materials used to produce the MCC budget justification, including MCC’s current portfolio listing, closed compacts results and modifications, sector results, beneficiary estimates, and corporate goals.