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Compact Implementation Guidance

MCC Policy on Accountable Entities’ Submission of the Quarterly Disbursement Request Package

November 27, 2024

Policy number: 1081.04

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Acronym List

Acronym List



AE Accountable Entity
CDF Compact Development Funding
CDR Contract Detail Report
CFF Compact Facilitation Funding
CP Condition Precedent
DFP Detailed Financial Plan
DRL Disbursement Response Letter
EIF Entry into Force
HACR Historical actual change request
IBC Interior Business Center
ITT Indicator Tracking Table
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MCC MIS MCC’s Management Information System
MCDR Monthly Commitment and Disbursement Report
N/A Not applicable
OOC Out of cycle
PIA Program Implementation Agreement
PGG Program Grant Guidelines
PGPP Procurement and Grants Plan Package
PPG Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines
PPS Program Partnership Solicitation
QDRP Quarterly Disbursement Request Package
QFR Quarterly Financial Reports
RCD Resident Country Director
SPRF Special Payment Request Form
  • 1. Prior to the creation of the MCA, this reference refers to the Permitted Designee, as defined in the relevant grant agreement.
  • 2. In cases where certain funds are MCC-managed, there is no need to submit a QDRP for those funds; QDRPs are only submitted when the partner country is requesting a disbursement for country-managed funds.
  • 3. Technical guidance on submitting the package in MCC MIS can be found in the MCC MIS User Guide.
  • 4. The approach to QDRP submissions for the closure period should be outlined in the Program Closure Plan.
  • 5. Note that the AE is only required to submit one consolidated PGPP per quarter; it is not expected that there will be separate PGPPs submitted for each fund type.
  • 6. Note that the ITT is not a required component of the QDRP until after the approval of the initial M&E Plan.
  • 7. For a disbursement period where MCC or its designee is acting as the Fiscal Agent or Procurement Agent, the corresponding certificate is not required.
  • 8. Note that Annex 3 is not required for Schedule A adjustments that only involve adding funds and not reallocating funds (e.g., CFF rollover, change from MCC-managed to country managed funding, etc.).
  • 9. For information on how to do this, please consult the MCC MIS User Guide.
  • 10. Countries using SAP may also print the Disbursement Request Form generated by SAP.
  • 11. This section directly relates to ITTs that are submitted as a component of a QDRPs. ITTs are also required for threshold programs that do not have an AE and therefore do not submit QDRPs. More information for the submission of these ITTs, including the required template, can be found in the ITT Guidance.
  • 12. Note that OOC requests are only submitted in cases where a QDRP has already been submitted and approved for the quarter. In cases where a QDRP is simply submitted late, it is still considered a normal QDRP, not an OOC.
  • 13. The AE must wait until the OOC is approved before it begins entering information for the next cycle’s QDRP into MCC MIS. Failure to wait until the OOC is approved may result in data being lost.
  • 14. A PGPP may be submitted in conjunction with an OOC QDRP in cases where additional procurement or grants needs have arisen which were not included in the original PGPP submission.
  • 15. Any out of cycle changes to the ITT must be submitted as a HACR. Upon HACR approval, the changes will be made in the next QDRP’s ITT.
  • 16. For OOC QDRPs, updates to the CP report are required only if the activity or activities covered by the OOC disbursement request require the satisfaction, waiver or deferral of conditions that were not already covered in the current CP report (for instance, if the changes result from a CP being satisfied over the course of the quarter, allowing authorization of additional funds that were not previously requested or for which disbursement authority was not approved).
  • 17. For CDF, CFF, Compact Funds and threshold program closures, this would be the OGC memo. For CFF rollovers, this would be an implementation letter.
  • 18. One DRL can approve QDRPs from multiple fund types, provided that it is clearly stated in the DRL.