
Technical Specifications for Infrastructure Project Signs

October 1, 2012


This document provides the technical specifications for project signs for infrastructure works funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”). The primary purpose of the project signs specified in this document is to ensure that the people of the United States receive credit for their generous provision of foreign assistance through five-year grant agreements (“compacts”). The secondary purpose is to ensure that MCC and its partner Millennium Challenge Account authorities (“MCA”) are recognized for their role in project supervision and management.

The specifications are intended to complement MCC’s Standards for Global Marking[[This document provides additional detail and guidance with respect to the section on “How to Mark Compact Projects – Projects with Works” in MCC’s Standards for Global Marking]], available at The Standards for Global Marking require that a permanent plaque or marker be placed at each major work site for compact projects. This document provides guidance for infrastructure project signs that will be in place during works construction, and through the end of the compact period.

In addition to the signs specified in this document, contractors and MCAs may erect additional signs on work sites providing detailed project and contract information, as required by local law or custom. Such signs will be additional to, not in lieu of, the signs specified in this document.