The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) will establish a Data Governance Body, herein referred to as the Data Governance Steering Committee (DGSC), to:
- Establish, revise, and provide resources for MCC’s enterprise data governance priorities and lifecycle data management needs in support of MCC’s mission and strategic plan;
- Support Chief Data Officer (CDO) initiatives and ensure appropriate priority setting and corresponding resource allocation;
- Ensure adherence to federal legislation and guidance;
- And, periodically assess data governance efforts relative to overall data and analytics progress, and adjust MCC’s approach, resourcing, and priorities as required to maximize the use of data as a strategic asset.
M-19-23, issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), provides implementation guidance pertaining to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act (Evidence Act), newly enacted legislation mandating activities related to evidence-building, data management, data access, and information protection.[[“The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.” P.L. 115-435. Jan. 14, 2019. https://www.congress.gov/115/plaws/publ435/PLAW-115publ435.pdf]] The guidance requires all federal agencies to establish a Data Governance Body that will “set and enforce priorities for managing data as a strategic asset to support the agency in meeting its mission”.[[“Phase 1 Implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018: Learning Agendas, Personnel, and Planning Guidance.” M-19-23. Office of Management and Budget. July 10, 2019. Pg. 5. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/M-19-23.pdf]] Therefore, the establishment of the DGSC fulfills MCC’s statutory requirement, and MCC will be non-compliant with legislation if the DGSC should dissolve in the future. In addition to federal legislation, the 2019-2020 Draft Federal Data Strategy (FDS) Action Plan states that all agencies will establish an “appropriately inclusive and empowered data governance body to ensure that agency resources are aligned with agency priorities”.[[“Draft 2019-2020 Federal Data Strategy Action Plan.” Federal Data Strategy Development Team. June 2019. Pg. 11. https://strategy.data.gov/assets/docs/draft-2019-2020-federal-data-strategy-action-plan.pdf]] Lastly, apart from federal legislation and guidance, MCC’s OCDO charter specifies the creation of the DGSC to provide necessary support and strategic direction.
- Support the Chief Data Officer (CDO) in establishing and adjusting strategic priorities and executing initiatives;
- Ensure resources align with agency priorities and make business decisions based on MCC’s mission, strategic plan, capabilities, and lifecycle data management needs;
- Assist in the identification and resolution of issues related to CDO authority, structure, and funding;
- Help coordinate adherence to and implementation of federal legislation and guidance, including the Evidence Act, M-19-23, and the FDS;
- Support the monitoring of and compliance with data policies, standards, and responsibilities throughout the data lifecycle; Inform MCC leadership and relevant external stakeholders on program progress, escalated issues and risks, and long-term strategic goals.
The DGSC will meet on at least a quarterly basis to receive updates, address challenges, assess business propositions and investment opportunities, and provide direction. Per M-19-23, the DGSC will be chaired by the CDO. The DGSC will review and discuss proposals or required decisions. For proposals not requiring a vote, members of the DGSC will come to consensus within meetings or provide follow-up information via the CDO. For required decisions, the CDO will call for a vote, and voting members of the DGSC will provide either an oral or written vote. Each member possesses equal voting power. A simple majority determines the outcome of the vote. If the vote outcome is a tie, the CDO provides the deciding vote. Pending votes will be included in meeting agendas for the awareness of Committee members. Delegates present at meetings have the same voting rights as their delegators.
According to M-19-23, the Chief Data Officer (CDO) will chair the committee. Other members should include “appropriate senior-level staff and technical experts needed to discuss and set policy on a range of data and data-related topics. The makeup...should be driven by the agency’s needs and structures”.[[“Phase I Implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018: Learning Agendas, Personnel, and Planning Guidance.” M-19-23. July 10, 2019. Pg. 20-21. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/M-19-23.pdf]] The list below identifies [agency] employees that are required as consistent contributors to the DGSC. In the cases indicated where delegates may be most appropriate, those delegates must be granted the authority to make resourcing and funding decisions on behalf of their respective organization.
Executive roles |
Chief Data Officer — Data Governance Body Chair (required per M-19-23) |
Evaluation Officer (required per M-19-23) |
OCEO Representative |
DCO Managing Director |
Director, DPE Results & Learning |
Deputy Chief Financial Officer |
Chief Information Officer |
Federal legislation and guidance specify the establishment of a Data Governance Body within each federal agency. MCC must include the DGSC in its Strategic Information Resources Management Plans’ Governance sections, as required by OMB guidance. The DGSC will require the participation and support of MCC Executive Leadership and the CDO to operate effectively and manage data as a strategic asset across the enterprise.