Congressional Budget Justification, FY 2019
MCC’s fiscal year 2019 budget proposal will advance U.S. values and interests overseas through collaborative partnerships that fight poverty, spur economic growth, and support stability in regions of significant strategic importance.
MCC programs seek to resolve constraints to private investment in our partner countries in order to reduce poverty through economic growth.
Fully funding the FY 2019 request will help to support the Burkina Faso and Tunisia compacts currently in development, along with a portion of the Sri Lanka compact.
MCC and seven partner countries are in the process of developing compacts as of the first quarter of fiscal year 2018.
MCC’s fiscal year 2019 request represents an opportunity to expand on the success of its model and continue efforts to identify efficiencies throughout the compact development process to reduce development time while maintaining the quality of its programs.
MCC’s threshold program is an innovative tool used to incentivize and implement positive policy, regulatory, and institutional reforms in candidate countries and selected partner countries.
Detailed focus on pre-compact planning, oversight & rigorous post-compact evaluation is critical for successful investments and ensuring that MCC, partner countries & the development community benefit from the learning opportunities inherent in MCC programs.
MCC continues to focus on improving its efficiency and effectiveness to increase productivity.
The USAID Office of Inspector General conducts financial and performance audits and reviews for MCC annually.
MCC is seeking authority to implement concurrent compacts to maximize impact and supplement its proven country-focused model with the ability to develop regionally-oriented investments.
The appendix is a set of supplemental data and supporting materials used to produce the MCC budget justification, including MCC’s current portfolio listing, closed compacts results and modifications, sector results, beneficiary estimates and corporate goals.