MCC Delivers Country-Led Growth

  • The U.S. Embassy of Praia

    MCC’s investment in the Santa Maria Wastewater Treatment Plant provides affordable water and sanitation services to local households and businesses in Cabo Verde.

  • Millennium Foundation Kosovo

    As part of an MCC Threshold Program in Kosovo, solar panels were installed to enhance access to reliable energy. The energy project included a comprehensive approach to empowering women – with a range of tools, including scholarships to increase their participation in the energy sector and financial incentives for women entrepreneurs to invest in energy efficiency.

  • MCA-Niger

    The MCC-Niger compact provided 6,432 goats to over 1,600 farmers as assets to generate sustainable income streams from the sale of goat's milk and offspring and restore newly grazed lands. Through MCC’s $442.6 million compact with Niger, researchers made a groundbreaking discovery that qualified Niger as the most groundwater rich country in the Sahel region. Using innovative technology and satellite imagery, MCC detected available groundwater in Niger that is nearly ten times more water volume than in Lake Chad – the country’s largest source of surface water after the Niger River.

  • Jenel Few, MCC

    As a part of the MCC's Philippines Compact, a two-classroom school was constructed to enrich the lives of rural children and youth at the San Antonio Elementary School in Naga, Philippines.

  • MCC

    MCC’s $28 million Guatemala Threshold Program (2016–2021) funded the $3 million Guatemala Tax and Customs Activity, which increased revenues collected by the Government of Guatemala to improve efficiencies in customs collections without affecting trade facilitation.

  • Andrew Ladson, MCC

    Since 2006, MCC’s partnership with Benin has modernized the Port of Cotonou to substantially increase trade, invested in the power grid to triple the nation’s energy capacity, and will soon rehabilitate 83 kilometers of a critical regional transportation corridor. Nearly $900 million in investment has strengthened Benin’s economy and directly benefitted over 26 million Beninese people.

Over the past 20 years, MCC has continued to demonstrate the effectiveness of our core principles by delivering data-driven results and sustainable impact around the world.