
Statement of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Regarding the Status of Programs in Kosovo

For Immediate Release

March 13, 2020


WASHINGTON, D.C., March 13, 2020 – The U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) issued the following statement regarding the status of MCC’s economic development programs in Kosovo:

The United States’ position regarding Kosovo’s tariffs against goods from Serbia is clear. Lifting these tariffs will improve Kosovo’s economy and help reduce poverty through economic growth. Until Kosovo’s tariff issue is resolved, MCC will pause implementation of the threshold program and development of the proposed compact program in Kosovo.

The decision to proceed with MCC programs rests on the actions of the Government of Kosovo. It is MCC’s hope that the Government of Kosovo chooses to resolve this tariff issue quickly in order to proceed with MCC programs. Once a resolution is reached, MCC will resume operations as appropriate.