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World Food Prize Side Event: Donor’s View: MCC, Irrigation & Our Country Pipeline

Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 2:00 PM

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a U.S. foreign assistance agency that has invested more than $5 billion in partner countries to address the many sources of food insecurity. Since its founding in 2004, MCC focuses on addressing major constraints to economic growth and food security through large binational grant agreements called “compacts”.

As a major supporter of irrigation projects, MCC will present an overview of our work. MCC will present our current pipeline of compacts, including our current $437 million Niger compact, which focuses on irrigated agriculture and animal health.

Particular attention will be placed on reflecting on MCC’s past investments in large-scale irrigation and linked roads infrastructure, focusing lessons learned and what still needs to be considered when considering these large-scale investments in agricultural production.

There will be ample time for Q&A.

List of Speakers 

  1. Aysha House, Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs, MCC
  2. Eric Trachtenberg, Practice Lead & Senior Director, Land & Agricultural Economy, MCC
  3. Kaj Gass, Associate Director, Agriculture, MCC
  4. Myrlene Chrysostome, Associate Director, Agriculture, MCC

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