Europe, Asia and the Pacific

MCC's Investments in Europe, Asia and the Pacific Region by Sector

Created with Highcharts 11.2.0Program Administration & MonitoringAgricultureEnergyFinancial ServicesHealth, Education & Community ServicesGovernanceLandTransport (Road, Water & Air)Water Supply & Sanitation

Numbers represent compact investments as of March 31, 2023.

MCC is devoting significant resources to help partner countries in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific transform the lives of the poor and catalyze long-lasting economic growth.

Since its creation in 2004, MCC has invested $4.5 billion in compact programs in the region. MCC’s investments include projects focused on education, agricultural production and infrastructure – like roads, bridges, ports, electricity ­­– to enable long-term growth, reduce poverty and spur private investment.

MCC has invested another $277 million in threshold programs in the region – smaller grants awarded to countries that may not qualify for compact funding but are firmly committed to improving policy performance.

Countries in Europe, Asia and the Pacific with MCC Programs

  • In January 2025, the MCC Board of Directors selected Albania as eligible to develop a compact.

  • The program focused on improving the country’s performance on the Ruling Justly and Economic Freedom indicators and aimed to reduce corruption through reforms in tax administration, public procurement and business registration.

  • Albania’s second threshold program built upon the successes of MCC’s first threshold program to lead adoption of key reforms in public administration and judicial capacity building and to support anti-corruption activity.

  • In 2006, the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Armenia signed a compact designed to reduce rural poverty through a sustainable increase in the economic performance of the agricultural sector.

  • MCC's investments stimulated regional trade through rehabilitated infrastructure and a reliable energy supply. The compact also improved the delivery of regional and municipal services, provided investment capital and increased productivity in farms.

  • The Georgia II Compact aimed to improve the quality of education in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields and increase the earning potential of Georgians.

  • The five-year MCC compact with Indonesia's three projects are expected to increase household income and increase productivity through better health and nutrition, sustainable land and energy management, and modernized government procurement.

  • The $649 million Indonesia Infrastructure and Finance Compact seeks to unlock sustainable economic growth by improving the financing of infrastructure and increasing access to finance for micro-, small and medium enterprises.

  • The program sought to reduce corruption by bolstering several key anti-corruption institutions, and boost immunization rates through a decentralized and sustainable immunization management system.

  • Recognizing that Jordan is among the world’s driest countries, Jordanians have been dramatically transforming their access to clean water and sanitation through a five year grant of $275 million provided to Jordan by the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

  • The program strengthened democratic institutions by broadening citizens’ participation and increasing transparency and accountability in local governance. The program also modernized customs administration.

  • The Kiribati Threshold Program will assist the Government of Kiribati in addressing the constraint to economic growth of disproportionately low participation of Kiribati workers in the international labor economy.

  • The Kosovo Compact aims to support Kosovo’s energy security and transition to a more sustainable energy future, increase education and employment opportunities in relevant energy sector jobs, and catalyze private investment in energy storage systems and services.

  • MCC’s Threshold Program with the Government of Kosovo addressed two major constraints to economic growth—a lack of reliable electricity and real and perceived weaknesses in rule of law—in one of the poorest countries in Europe.

  • The program supported the government’s efforts to fight corruption and improve the rule of law through judicial, criminal justice and law enforcement reforms.

  • MCC aimed to improve agricultural productivity and expand access to markets and services through critical infrastructure investments in the irrigation and road sectors. MCC is also building capacity in the high-value agriculture sector.

  • Moldova's threshold program targeted persistent corruption in the judiciary and health care system, and in the tax, customs and police agencies.

  • MCC's compact with Mongolia invested in strengthening property rights, reducing non-communicable diseases and injuries, bolstering vocational education, reducing air pollution, and constructing an all-weather road to link markets.

  • MCC's Mongolia Water Compact supports investments in critical infrastructure and policy reforms that aim to sustainably increase Ulaanbaatar's water supply and stem the impact of an impending water crisis.

  • The MCC Nepal Compact will increase the availability of electricity and lower transportation costs—helping to spur investments, accelerate economic growth, and reduce poverty.

  • The Philippines Compact aimed to reduce transportation costs through road rehabilitation, expand the fiscal space through improved tax collection efforts, and empower communities by investing in small-scale, community-driven development projects.

  • This program focused on addressing improved revenue administration and anti-corruption efforts and was implemented in cooperation with USAID.

  • The Solomon Islands Threshold Program aims to reduce poverty by addressing the country's biggest constraints to economic growth: ineffective management of natural resources in the forestry sector and lack of secure access to land which limits tourism investment

  • In December 2020, the MCC Board of Directors discontinued the proposed Sri Lanka Compact.

  • The Timor-Leste Compact aims to improve the health and skills of the Timorese people for a more sustainable economy.

  • The program aimed to reduce corruption by building a network of functioning and effective anti-corruption institutions and actors, and improve access to immunization services by creating a more capable and effective community health system.

  • The program aimed to reduce corruption in Ukraine through better internal controls, monitoring and exposure, and judicial and regulatory reform.

  • The compact focused on the rehabilitation and sealing of Vanuatu's two most important national roads, along with strengthening of institutional efforts and policy reform initiatives, to help reduce transportation costs.